Processors and tools for the retrieval of snow properties within the SEOM S3 for Snow project
Make sure you have git,
JDK 1.8, and
Maven 3 installed. Make sure Maven find's the JDK by setting the environment variable JAVA_HOME
to the directory where your JDK is installed.
Clone or fork the repository at
> git clone
> cd s3tbx-snow
You can update your checked-out sources from the remote repository by running
> git pull --rebase
Incremental build with Maven:
> mvn package
Clean build:
> mvn clean package
If you encounter test failures:
> mvn clean package -DskipTests=true
The build creates a SNAP plugin module file target/nbm/s3tbx-snow-<version>.nbm
Start SNAP (Desktop UI) and find the plugin manager in the main menu at
Tools / Plugins
- select tab Downloaded,
- click button Add Files and
- select the plugin module file
. - Click Install,
- then Close and
- restart SNAP.
Once the Snow Albedo processor is installed into SNAP it can be run from the SNAP Desktop UI's main menu at
Optical / Thematic Land Processing / OLCI Snow Albedo
Or in batch mode using SNAP's gpt
command-line tool found in ${SNAP_HOME}/bin
> gpt OLCI.SnowAlbedo -h
This section explains how to run and debug the Snow Albedo processor code from a Java IDE without having to install the plugin into SNAP.
You will need to install
- SNAP with the Sentinel-3 Toolbox (S3TBX) from
- IntelliJ IDEA (Community Edition) IDE from
Start IDEA and select File / New / Project from Existing Sources. Select the pom.xml
(Maven project file) in the
source directory. Leave all default settings as they are and click Next until IDEA asks for the JDK. Select the
installed JDK from above and finish the dialog.
From the main menu select Run / Edit Configurations. In the dialog click the + (add) button and select JAR Application. Then the settings are as follows:
- Name: SNAP Desktop
- Path to JAR:
- VM options:
-Xmx4G -Dorg.netbeans.level=INFO -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false
- Program arguments:
--userdir ${S3-SNOW_HOME}/target/testdir --clusters ${S3-SNOW_HOME}/target/nbm/netbeans/s3tbx --patches ${S3-SNOW_HOME}/$/target/classes
- Working directory:
must be replaced by your SNAP installation directory${S3-SNOW_HOME}
must be replaced by your s3tbx-snow project directory (where thepom.xml
is located in)