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Add Mox support
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This PR does not change the public API at all but will reorganize the primary Mojito base
module functions into a Mojito.Base module meants to be pulled in via `use`.

This PR also includes behaviour and callbacks for all Mojito functions for the purpose
of compatibility with Mox.

The implementation was borrowed from HTTPoison: edgurgel/httpoison#330

Some additional types were added for readability.
  • Loading branch information
bcardarella committed Jun 19, 2020
1 parent 7c4c30d commit af8013f
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Showing 2 changed files with 379 additions and 274 deletions.
275 changes: 1 addition & 274 deletions lib/mojito.ex
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Expand Up @@ -189,278 +189,5 @@ defmodule Mojito do
This software is released under the MIT License.

@type method ::
:head | :get | :post | :put | :patch | :delete | :options | String.t()

@type header :: {String.t(), String.t()}

@type headers :: [header]

@type request :: %Mojito.Request{
method: method,
url: String.t(),
headers: headers | nil,
body: String.t() | nil,
opts: Keyword.t() | nil

@type request_kwlist :: [request_field]

@type request_field ::
{:method, method}
| {:url, String.t()}
| {:headers, headers}
| {:body, String.t()}
| {:opts, Keyword.t()}

@type response :: %Mojito.Response{
status_code: pos_integer,
headers: headers,
body: String.t(),
complete: boolean

@type error :: %Mojito.Error{
reason: any,
message: String.t() | nil

@type pool_opts :: [pool_opt | {:destinations, [{atom, pool_opts}]}]

@type pool_opt ::
{:size, pos_integer}
| {:max_overflow, non_neg_integer}
| {:pools, pos_integer}
| {:strategy, :lifo | :fifo}

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP request and returns the response.
See `request/1` for details.
@spec request(method, String.t(), headers, String.t() | nil, Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def request(method, url, headers \\ [], body \\ "", opts \\ []) do
method: method,
url: url,
headers: headers,
body: body,
opts: opts
|> request

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP request and returns the response.
If the `pool: true` option is given, or `:pool` is not specified, the
request will be made using Mojito's automatic connection pooling system.
For more details, see `Mojito.Pool.request/1`. This is the default
mode of operation, and is recommended for best performance.
If `pool: false` is given as an option, the request will be made on
a brand new connection. This does not spawn an additional process.
Messages of the form `{:tcp, _, _}` or `{:ssl, _, _}` will be sent to
and handled by the caller. If the caller process expects to receive
other `:tcp` or `:ssl` messages at the same time, conflicts can occur;
in this case, it is recommended to wrap `request/1` in `Task.async/1`,
or use one of the pooled request modes.
* `:pool` - See above.
* `:timeout` - Response timeout in milliseconds, or `:infinity`.
Defaults to `Application.get_env(:mojito, :timeout, 5000)`.
* `:raw` - Set this to `true` to prevent the decompression of
`gzip` or `compress`-encoded responses.
* `:transport_opts` - Options to be passed to either `:gen_tcp` or `:ssl`.
Most commonly used to perform insecure HTTPS requests via
`transport_opts: [verify: :verify_none]`.
@spec request(request | request_kwlist) :: {:ok, response} | {:error, error}
def request(request) do
with {:ok, valid_request} <- Mojito.Request.validate_request(request),
{:ok, valid_request} <-
Mojito.Request.convert_headers_values_to_string(valid_request) do
case Keyword.get(valid_request.opts, :pool, true) do
true ->

false ->

pid when is_pid(pid) ->
Mojito.Pool.Poolboy.Single.request(pid, valid_request)

impl when is_atom(impl) ->
|> maybe_decompress(valid_request.opts)

defp maybe_decompress({:ok, response}, opts) do
case Keyword.get(opts, :raw) do
true ->
{:ok, response}

_ ->
case Enum.find(response.headers, fn {k, _v} ->
k == "content-encoding"
end) do
{"content-encoding", "gzip"} ->
%Mojito.Response{response | body: :zlib.gunzip(response.body)}}

{"content-encoding", "deflate"} ->
%Mojito.Response{response | body: :zlib.uncompress(response.body)}}

_ ->
# we don't have a decompressor for this so just returning
{:ok, response}

defp maybe_decompress(response, _opts) do

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP HEAD request and returns the response.
See `request/1` for documentation.
@spec head(String.t(), headers, Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def head(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) do
request(:head, url, headers, nil, opts)

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP GET request and returns the response.
## Examples
Assemble a URL with a query string params and fetch it with GET request:
>>>> ""
...> |> URI.parse()
...> |> Map.put(:query, URI.encode_query(%{"q" => "mojito elixir"}))
...> |> URI.to_string()
...> |> Mojito.get()
body: "<!doctype html><html lang=\"en\"><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"> ...",
complete: true,
headers: [
{"content-type", "text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"},
status_code: 200
See `request/1` for detailed documentation.
@spec get(String.t(), headers, Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def get(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) do
request(:get, url, headers, nil, opts)

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP POST request and returns the response.
## Examples
Submitting a form with POST request:
...> "http://localhost:4000/messages",
...> [{"content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}],
...> URI.encode_query(%{"message[subject]" => "Contact request", "message[content]" => "data"}))
body: "Thank you!",
complete: true,
headers: [
{"server", "Cowboy"},
{"connection", "keep-alive"},
status_code: 200
Submitting a JSON payload as POST request body:
...> "http://localhost:4000/api/messages",
...> [{"content-type", "application/json"}],
...> Jason.encode!(%{"message" => %{"subject" => "Contact request", "content" => "data"}}))
body: "{\"message\": \"Thank you!\"}",
complete: true,
headers: [
{"server", "Cowboy"},
{"connection", "keep-alive"},
status_code: 200
See `request/1` for detailed documentation.
@spec post(String.t(), headers, String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def post(url, headers \\ [], payload \\ "", opts \\ []) do
request(:post, url, headers, payload, opts)

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP PUT request and returns the response.
See `request/1` and `post/4` for documentation and examples.
@spec put(String.t(), headers, String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def put(url, headers \\ [], payload \\ "", opts \\ []) do
request(:put, url, headers, payload, opts)

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP PATCH request and returns the response.
See `request/1` and `post/4` for documentation and examples.
@spec patch(String.t(), headers, String.t(), Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def patch(url, headers \\ [], payload \\ "", opts \\ []) do
request(:patch, url, headers, payload, opts)

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP DELETE request and returns the response.
See `request/1` for documentation and examples.
@spec delete(String.t(), headers, Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def delete(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) do
request(:delete, url, headers, nil, opts)

@doc ~S"""
Performs an HTTP OPTIONS request and returns the response.
See `request/1` for documentation.
@spec options(String.t(), headers, Keyword.t()) ::
{:ok, response} | {:error, error} | no_return
def options(url, headers \\ [], opts \\ []) do
request(:options, url, headers, nil, opts)
use Mojito.Base

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