This repository has been archieved. Please see op-solver.
Compass is a solver for the Orienteering Problem written in C.
It includes some routines originally released in the Concorde solver. Note that these routines were released under an Academic Licence.
Compass is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
Compass uses GNU Autotools
sudo apt-get install libtool m4
Compass uses GSL library for sampling distributions.
sudo apt-get install libgsl0-dev libatlas-base-dev libbfd-dev libiberty-dev
The source code is available in:
git clone
If the configure script is absent you can generate it using GNU Autotools:
automake --add-missing
To build the binary type:
Additional build instructions are in the INSTALL file.
To solve an OP instance
./compass --op <instance_file>
The benchmark instances for the OP can be found in the OPLib repository:
git clone
./compass --op --op-ea4op OPLib/gen3/eil101-gen3-50.oplib
To see additional parameters and options:
./compass -h
Simplified directory layout (only essential files/directories):
ROOT Root directory
├── AUTHORS Authors file
├── compass Compass binay
├── configure Configure
├── Autotools file to generate configure
├── COPYING Copyright information
├── INSTALL Installation instructions
├── LICENSE License details
├── Makefile Running "make" uses this file
├── Autotools file to generate the Makefile
├── This file
└── src
├── compass.c Compass main file
├── compass.h Compass header file
├── data **Data**
│ ├── data.c
│ ├── data.h Data header file
│ ├── delaunay.c Delaunay triangulations
│ ├── delaunay.h Delaunay header file
│ ├── edgelen-cc.c
│ ├── kdtree
│ │ ├── kdbuild.c
│ │ ├── kdnear.c
│ │ ├── kdspan.c
│ │ ├── kdtree.h
│ │ └── kdtwoopt.c
│ ├── near.c
│ ├── neigh.h
│ └── xnear.c
├── env Envirment utilities: alloc, time, errors...
│ └── ...
├── op **Orienteering Problem**
│ ├── ea Evolutionary Algorithm
│ │ ├── add.c Add operator
│ │ ├── crossover.c Crossover operator
│ │ ├── drop.c Drop operator
│ │ ├── ea.c EA main file
│ │ ├── ea.h EA header file
│ │ ├── mutation.c Mutation operator
│ │ └── selection.c Parent selection
│ ├── init Solution initialization
│ │ ├── init.c Initialization main file
│ │ └── select.c Node selection
│ ├── io.c Read/write OPLib
│ ├── op.c OP main file
│ ├── op.h OP header file
│ ├── prob.c OP structures
│ └── solution.c Solution manipulations
├── prob.c Compass problem structures
├── tsp **Travelling Salesperson Problem**
│ ├── init Solution initialization
│ │ └── init.c Initialization main file
│ ├── linkern Lin-Kernighan
│ │ ├── flip_two.c
│ │ ├── linkern.c Lin-Kernighan main file
│ │ └── linkern.h Lin-Kernighan header file
│ ├── ls TSP local searchs
│ │ └── ls.c Local search main file
│ ├── prob.c TSP structures
│ ├── tsp.c TSP main file
│ └── tsp.h TSP header file
└── util Other utilities
└── ...