As the name suggests, this is an IntelliJ plugin for analyzing your methods and markdown files.
You can simply download or clone the project and run gradle runIde
using IntelliJ IDEA. A new IDE will open up where you can follow the steps below.
Both implemented features can be found in the Tools menu bar:
For the method summary we measure the Cyclomatic Complexity(CC) and the Lines of Code(LOC) metrics and show their distribution over a class. Clicking on a method in the table above will show its summary.
Double clicking on a method will reposition the mouse cursor on the respective method in the opened class.
For our markdown feature we display basic features like number of links and paragraphs as seen in the example:
Clicking on one of the files gives a summary of the links, including if the linked file is inside the repo:
Note that double clicking of one of those links repositions your cursor on the respective link.