- Adds language parameter to allow turn-by-turn instructions in other supported languages
- Update packages to resolve polyline dependency
- Update peerDependency for Mapbox-GL-JS to support v1.0 release
- Switch to
to workaroundsockjs-client
dependency issue
- [Refactor] options passed to internal Geocoder class
- Made options.geocoder dynamic, accepting only query parameters from the Geocoding API
- Removed placeholder option in favor of placeholderOrigin and placeholderDestination
- Added top level options flyTo, zoom, placeholderOrigin and placeholderDestination
- [Chore] Update packages to resolve vulnerabilities in smokestack
- [bug] Bump package
to support autocompletion on quick keypress.#179
- [workaround] Include
directory in published NPM package
- [bug] Fixes css for turn instruction icons
- [internal] upgrade to v5 of the Mapbox Directions API
- [feature] add traffic aware driving directions profile
- [bug] re-enable hiding instructions panel #101
- [bug] Fixing a fix for
. Missed a single space.
- [bug] CSS fix for departure/arrival icons that were not center aligned because of global line-height properties
Support for the Mapbox GL JS 0.27.0 API. This is compatible with 0.27.0 and later, and not compatible with earlier versions.
- [breaking]
option removed - attaching the control outside of the map is no longer supported - [breaking]
option removed - theaddControl
method now specifies the position - [breaking] Now exports
rather than attaches tomapbox.Directions
- [internal] no longer creates a new map control for each of the two geocoders, instead creates two internal geocoders
- [feature]
method that removes all route lines, waypoints, and instructions
- [feature] Defer mapboxgl dependency til runtime to support webpack async loading #86 mapbox#86
- [bug] Fix mapboxgl.GeoJSONSource deprecation in gl-js v.22 and map.load race condition
- [bug] Warn if mapboxgl is not present #66
- [bug] Point
to transpiled result #63 - [feature] Wrap coordinates outside of -180, 180 [#54]((mapbox#54)
- [feature] Basic support for touch handling #61
- [feature] Allow interaction to be toggled on or off #65
- [feature] Allow controls to be removed on initialization.
- [internal] Refactor out native DOM and use registered mapbox-gl-js ones.
- [internal] Remove custom implementation of a geocoder and use mapbox-gl-geocoder.
- [internal] Use plain XMLHttpRequest for direction queries.
- [breaking] Drop
prefix from event names #59 - [bug] Fix loading UI state and clearing past geocoded results #58
- [breaking] Update
to use [email protected] #56 - [feature] Zoom to bounds if exist on origin or destination geocode #46
- [feature] Pass custom styles in options argument #45
- [bug] Fix points where a geocoded request is not found. Pass coordinates in request #43
- [bug] Infer container if no element is passed #30
- [feature] Pass
as an options param #30 - [breaking] Change
option to [lng, lat] format #29 - [feature] Toggle routes from sidebar listing #28
- [ui] Target mobile devices with media queries #26
- [ui] Add loading state to input queries #25
- [ui] Display routing errors in the instructions panel #24
- Initial commit