Fast & Simple implementation of GBM
GBM is the generally regarded as best perform supervised learning algorithms before recent DL revolution. It is robust but not scalable.
- Fast (Handle 40M rows * 500 features within 10 hours)
- Simple (The less lines of code, the better) <= 3000
- Mudular/Extensible for further improvements
- pre-bucketing (data compression)
- bucket sort to build histogram, then linear scan to find best split
- hints and intelligent of using #buckets
- stochastic gradient boosting machine
- correctness (model + fimps)
- deterministic randomness
- easily extensible for wide varieties of similar algorithms: random forest, bagging, gbm, for both classification and regression methods, regression takes priority
new features:
- byte/short: two layer of storage. (save both memory and cpu)
- taking hints based on previous fimps (top 1/3 using short, rest using byte)
m: number trees n: number of leaves per tree r: example sampling rate s: feature sampling rate
d: number of data points f: number of features
k: number of buckets ml: minimum number of datapoints per leave
Complexity: Memory: max(f * d1 * 8, [f * d, f * d * 2))
- Bucketization: O(f * d1 * log(d1))
- Continue reading: O(f * d2 * log(k))
3: Single Best Split: O(f' * d' + f' * k) 4a: depth-k balanced tree: k * S 4b: single n-leaves tree: #splits: (2n - 3), O(S * n * log(n)) (roughly)
D: 20M, exampling sampling: 4M feature sampling rate:
Config: (specify data format and training parameters) DataSet: (column-wise storage, with Self Compression) Tree: (works both in compressed/raw) TreeRegressor: (k-leaf regression tree) GbmFun: (function to extend to different types of loss) Gbm: (gradient boosting machine)