This repository provides a comprehensive project template for implementing Clean Architecture and CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) with the help of nArchitecture Course by Engin Demirog in C# .NET Core. It includes best practices and advanced implementations to help you build scalable, maintainable, and testable applications.
- Clean Architecture with DDD: Implement Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles within a clean architecture framework.
- CQRS Implementation: Separate command and query responsibilities for better scalability and maintainability.
- SOLID Principles and Clean Code: Adhere to SOLID principles and clean code techniques for a robust codebase.
- Advanced Repository Pattern: Implement both synchronous and asynchronous repositories for efficient data handling.
- Dynamic Search Implementation: Create dynamic and flexible search functionalities within the application.
- Automapper for Mapping: Use Response-Request pattern-based mapping with Automapper for smooth object transformations.
- Advanced Entity Framework Integration: Follow best practices for Entity Framework Core implementations.
- API Development: Build RESTful APIs with a focus on best practices and scalability.
- Extension Methods: Learn to write and use extension methods to enhance code readability and reusability.
- Complex Domain Modeling: Model complex and related domain entities effectively.
- Advanced Mapping Techniques: Implement advanced mapping strategies between domain models and data transfer objects.
- Migrations with EF Core: Manage database schema changes with Entity Framework Core migrations.
- Business Rules and Clean Code: Implement business logic following clean code principles.
- Global Error Handling: Integrate global error handling to manage exceptions consistently.
- Pipeline Development: Create custom pipelines for various application tasks.
- Validation Pipeline: Use Fluent Validation for input validation within the pipeline.
- Transactional Operations: Implement a transaction pipeline for managing transactional operations.
- Caching Pipeline Implementation: Develop caching strategies within the pipeline for improved performance.
- In-Memory and Redis Caching: Integrate both In-Memory and Redis caching solutions.
- Logging Pipeline: Implement a robust logging pipeline to capture and manage application logs.
- Serilog Integration: Use Serilog for structured and flexible logging.
- Security and JWT Implementation: Secure your APIs with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authentication and authorization.
- Mailing Implementation: Integrate mailing capabilities for sending emails within the application.
- Test-Driven Infrastructure Development: Build a test-driven infrastructure to ensure high code quality.
- Moq for Unit Testing: Use Moq for mocking dependencies in unit tests.
Clone the repository and explore the provided code structure and examples. Don't forget to review commits to learn how to implement.