#The datajournalists' toolbox
A curated set of tools for datajournalists, with examples and gists.
##Complete list
####Javascript charting libraries
###Javascript mapping libratries
- Datamaps, customizable SVG map visualisations for the web in a single Javascript file using D3.js
####Online tools
- Datawrapper, upload/paste your data, visualise it, embed it
- Using an API isn't that difficult - Tutorial written for Journocoders meetup, using BBC News Labs Juicer
- Open Refine, to clean and explore your data, however messy it is.
Do you have a tool you use and that you would like to see presented here?
- Fork the repo
- Make your modifications
- Create a pull request
- ???
- Profit!
+--Tool's name
+--About the tool
+--Use case
+--Examples online
+--Gist (and screenshot)
+--Link to the docs
+--A step further