VarAlign is a python module that aggregates human genetic variation over the columns of a multiple sequence alignment.
Installing VarAlign (uses Conda)
# Download
$ git clone
# Set up conda environment with all requirements
# You may need to add Bioconda channels:
$ conda config --add channels defaults
$ conda config --add channels bioconda
$ conda config --add channels conda-forge
$ cd VarAlign
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ source activate varalign-env-py3
# Install VarAlign
$ pip install .
# Run tests (some will probably fail, in particular ProIntVar isn't installed yet!)
$ python -m unittest discover tests
*requires ProIntVar and Arpeggio
Arpeggio needs to go in a seperate environment because it requires Python 2.
# Setup environment with arpeggio dependencies
$ conda create -n arpeggio python=2 pip numpy biopython openbabel
$ source activate arpeggio
# Get patched Arpeggio
# Remember to leave the VarAlign folder if you're following this in order!
$ git clone
$ cd arpeggio
$ python -h
Install and configure ProIntVar. (NB. ProIntVar requires Python 3.)
# Install ProIntVar (
$ source activate varalign-env-py3
$ git clone
$ cd ProIntVar
# Patch ProIntVar and install
$ git apply /path/to/VarAlign/ProIntVar.patch
$ pip install .
# Configure ProIntVar
$ ProIntVar-config-setup prointvar_config.ini
# *** Edit the following values in prointvar_config.ini ***
# arpeggio_bin = /path/to/arpeggio/
# python_exe = /path/to/anaconda/envs/arpeggio/bin/python
# python_path = /path/to/anaconda/envs/arpeggio/python/lib/site-packages/
$ ProIntVar-config-load prointvar_config.ini
# Check it works (rerun VarAlign tests)
# If you ran the tests earlier you may see a FileExists error for .../VarAlign/tests/tmp, delete this and try again.
$ cd path/to/VarAlign/
$ python -m unittest discover tests
VarAlign uses a configuration file to set key paths and parameters that need to be set before you run. Priority is given to a config file that is present in the execution directory, letting you keep parameters beside results, but a global config file can also be used.
Setting up a config file in the working directory
$ cd /path/to/desired/working/dir/
# Get a copy of the template config file shipped with VarAlign
$ cp /path/to/VarAlign/varalign/config.txt ./
# Edit the settings as you require
# Testing that the new values are correctly loaded by VarAlign
$ python
>>> from varalign.config import defaults
>>> defaults.gnomad
I recommend you download a Pfam alignment that has at least a few human sequences and then try:
varalign --species HUMAN <YOUR_ALIGNMENT>
AACon is bundled with VarAlign and needs java to run. Some nodes on our cluster are missing java so you may wish to install java-jdk in the conda environment.
I have gnomad downloaded under my homedir in .../NOBACK/resources/gnomad/, set this up in config.txt if you like.