- Unity WebGL opens in browser from Wordpress link, that includes user ID
- Test version passes in querystring (https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Application-absoluteURL.html)
- TODO: secure this better?
- Unity calls RESTful JSON API to get all the user data, designs, images etc
- Get all users: /users/get.php
- Get user with id x: /users/get.php?id={x}
- Get all Playgrounds: /playgrounds/get.php
- Get Playground with id x: /playgrounds/get.php?id={x}
- Save Playground: /playgrounds/save.php - Post vars: userId, name, screenshot (image file)
- Delete Playground: /playgrounds/delete.php?userId={x}&designId={y}
- Get all images for one playground: /images/get.php?userId={x}&designId={y}
- Get one image: /images/get.php?userId={x}&designId={y}&name={n}
- Save Image: /images/save.php - Post vars: userId, designId (playground id), name (optional), image (image file)
- Delete Image: /images/delete.php?userId={x}&designId={y}&imageId={i}