Resources is an extension bundled with the Adapt framework.
Resources provides a way to present extra materials to the learner that is outside of content flow. Resources takes advantage of the Drawer—a panel that slides out from the right-hand side of the page. It is always accessible to the learner through an icon in the navigation bar. Resources organises links to documents such as PDFs, links to media, and links to other web resources.
Visit the Resources wiki for more information about its functionality.
As one of Adapt's core extensions, Resources is included with the installation of the Adapt framework and the installation of the Adapt authoring tool.
If Resources has been uninstalled from the Adapt framework, it may be reinstalled. With the Adapt CLI installed, run the following from the command line:
adapt install adapt-contrib-resources
Alternatively, this component can also be installed by adding the following line of code to the adapt.json file:
"adapt-contrib-resources": "*"
Then running the command:
adapt install
(This second method will reinstall all plug-ins listed in adapt.json.) -
If Resources has been uninstalled from the Adapt authoring tool, it may be reinstalled using the Plug-in Manager.
The attributes listed below are used in course.json to configure Resources, and are properly formatted as JSON in example.json. Visit the Resources wiki for more information about how they appear in the authoring tool.
_resources (object): The Resources object that contains values for title, description, _filterButtons, _filterAria, and _resourcesItems.
_isEnabled (boolean): Turns Resources on and off. Acceptable values are
_forceDownload (boolean): Forces a resource item to be downloaded when active. Otherwise it will open in a new window. Acceptable values are
title (string): This text is displayed (along with the description) in the Drawer as part of a button that gives access to the resources.
description (string): This text is displayed (along with the title) in the Drawer as part of a button that gives access to the resources.
_filterButtons (object): This attribute group maintains the labels for the four buttons that filter resources by type. It contains values for all, document, media, and link.
all (string): This text appears on the button that returns all _resourcesItems.
document (string): This text appears on the filter button that returns _resourcesItems with
"_type": "document"
media (string): This text appears on the filter button that returns _resourcesItems with
"_type": "media"
link (string): This text appears on the filter button that returns _resourcesItems with
"_type": "link"
_filterAria (object): This attribute group maintains the Aria labels for the four buttons that filter resources by type. It contains values for allAria, documentAria, mediaAria, and linkAria.
allAria (string): This text is associated with the button that returns all _resourcesItems and is read by assistive technologies.
documentAria (string): This text is associated with the button that returns _resourcesItems with
"_type": "document"
and is read by assistive technologies.
mediaAria (string): This text is associated with the button that returns _resourcesItems with
"_type": "media"
and is read by assistive technologies.
linkAria (string): This text is associated with the button that returns _resourcesItems with
"_type": "link"
and is read by assistive technologies.
itemAriaExternal (string): This text is associated with each resource item. It renders as part of the aria label to tell screen readers that the content will open in an external link.
_resourcesItems (object): This object stores properties for each resource item. Multiple resource items may be created. Each contains values for _type, title, description (optional), and _link.
_type (string): This text is used to filter resources. If the resource is to be returned in a filtered group, this value must be one of the following:
, orlink
. (Note: There is no file type validation as part of Resources.)
title (string): This text appears (along with description) as a label on the button that links to the item.
description (string): This optional text appears (along with title) as a label on the button that links to the item.
filename (string): This can be used to set the name of the file when downloaded by the user, if different from the source filename. (This feature is not supported on IE8-IE11, or Safari 10.)
_link (string): This value is the URI that accesses the resource item, e.g., course/en/pdf/diagram.pdf.
No known limitations.
Version number: 2.0.7
Framework versions: 2.0
Author / maintainer: Adapt Core Team with contributors
Accessibility support: WAI AA
RTL support: yes
Cross-platform coverage: Chrome, Chrome for Android, Firefox (ESR + latest version), Edge 12, IE 11, IE10, IE9, IE8, IE Mobile 11, Safari iOS 9+10, Safari OS X 9+10, Opera