(English version | Clique aqui para versão Português-BR)
💻 | My portfolio website (Angular): https://github.com/barbaracalderon/angular-portfolio-app
I have a Bachelor's Degree in Information Systems from Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), Brazil (2023). I'm a technology enthusiast with a special interest in programming softwares. I enjoy creating something out of nothing.
"The Casino API" is a backend service developed in Python with the FastAPI framework and PostgreSQL for the database. This API manages casino transactions and player operations. The project uses Pydantic, SQLAlchemy, Psycopg2 and has e2e, integration and unit testing provided by Pytest. The deployment utilizes Dockerfiles and Docker Compose for container orchestration.
"Pokédex Project" is a comprehensive system developed to manage and provide detailed information about Pokémon. It consists of a backend API built with FastAPI and a frontend interface developed using Angular. Docker is used for deploy and Pytest for unit tests.
"TeamTrack" is a full-stack application with backend tests, designed for visualizing projects with an "open" status to track clients and activities. I used the following technologies to implement this: Java, Spring Boot, JPA, Hibernate ORM, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL Driver, JUnit, Mockito, Vue.js, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 and Insomnia.
"Educonnect" is a RESTful API for the administration of educational institutions. It includes a login and authentication process, role management, and handles data for students, teachers, courses, grades, subjects, and more. Developed in Java with Spring Boot and PostgreSQL, it provides CRUD operations and access control using JWT and Spring Security. Other technologies involved include Spring Web, JDBC, JPA, and Lombok.
My thesis was a pilot project on "The Brazilian State Official Gazettes web Restful API" in which I used the following techs: Python, Javascript, CSS, HTML, Flask, Flask Smorest, Flask Migrate, Flask JWT Extended, SQLAlchemy, Marshmallow, GUnicorn, Psycopg2, SQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Passlib, bash script, requirements file, deployment on Render and ElephantSQL.
Another project you might find interesting is "The 12 Barcodes API", a simple, user-friendly RESTful API that provides an easy and practical way to generate barcodes for your applications using HTTP POST requests. If you are a browser user, you can generate them through Swagger. This project was developed in the Flask ecosystem, adopts MVC architecture, and forgoes the traditional database.
I also deployed recently a "Simple Slot Machine Game" in order to practice Front-end skills using HTML5, CSS3 and pure Javascript. It's hosted on Render and I used Flask and GUnicorn to do the backend work. Simple project but fun.
I got my hands on a new Python stack with Plotly, Dash and Dash-Mantine-Components, to create a web application that offers insights into the voting behavior of US legislators on various bills "Majority App". All you need is structured CSV data to plug it. I suggest extending this project and creating your own version, adapting it accordingly. Dash is highly dynamic, as it's built on top of React.js, a JavaScript library for building web components.
Last but not least, I've been working on some projects related to the Java ecosystem for backend development (notelock, fmt-tutor-mate, fmt-library-manager, fmt-educational-catalog). I'm quite fond of Java. I've been developing Restful APIs using technologies such as Spring Boot, Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, Spring Security, Lombok, PostgreSQL, creating database schemas and more. Currently, these projects are created in Portuguese, my native language.
I have a passion for documentaries, purpose-driven organizations, black coffee, engaging book stories, teamwork, science fiction and suspense movies, pesto sauce, Linux, and the community experience. I am a software developer and work on a diversified number of autonomous projects on the side.
- Currently focused on: Backend Development, Python, Flask, FastAPI, Java, SpringBoot, APIs, Intelligent Systems, Software Engineering.
- But I also know: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Node.js, React.js, UI-UX, Bulma, Bootstrap.
- Areas: Backend Development, Startups, Programming, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence.
- Languages: Portuguese (Native), English (Fluent), Spanish (Fluent), German (Intermediary) and French (Basic).
- Fun fact: I've got an International Relations bachelor's degree and a master's degree on International Political Economy.
- Networking: Linkedin, Twitter, GitHub, FreeCodeCamp, Rocketseat App
For this reason, besides sharing codes, I also share study notes on public repositories here on GitHub: