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About The Project

MIT LicenseActions CICoverage

A Spring Boot API that stores 13108 Kanji characters. The records contain each kanji's meanings, possible readings in both kana and romaji, the number of strokes, JLPT level, Jyoyo Grade and newspaper frequency if applicable. It uses PostgreSQL as a database and Keycloak to secure the protected endpoints. The API is deployed on AWS.
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Table of Contents
  1. Getting Started
  2. Usage
  3. License
  4. Acknowledgments

Built With

  • Java
  • SpringBoot
  • PostgreSQL
  • Keycloak
  • Docker
  • TestContainers
  • Amazon AWS
  • AWS EC2

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Getting Started

The API is deployed on AWS!

Local Setup


The Docker Hub image is meant for the application deployment, so it contains escaped secure data.
To set up the API locally you will have to set up the security and rebuild the image.

  1. Navigate to the root directory.
  2. Create a .env file that will store all the sensitive data (replace the fields marked with * with the corresponding data):
    POSTGRES_USER=*database username*
    POSTGRES_PASS=*database password*
    KEYCLOAK_USER=*keycloak username*
    KEYCLOAK_PASS=*keycloak password*
    PGADMIN_EMAIL=*pgadmin username*
    PGADMIN_PASS=*pgadmin password*
  3. In the Dockerfile replace ENV with corresponding data.
  4. Package the .jar with maven:
    mvn clean package
  5. Build the docker image:
    docker build --build-arg postgres_user=*database username* --build-arg postgres_pass=*database password* -t name:tag . 
  6. In the docker-compose.yaml change the image name of muzukanji service to whatever was chosen in the previous step.
  7. Run the docker-compose.yaml
    docker compose up
  8. If all images in the container are running you'll be able to access the API at the port 5555
    curl http://localhost:5555/api/v1/kanji
  9. To access the secure endpoints you need to set up the keycloak realm at http://localhost:5252. You can use the testing file found under src/main/resources/keycloak/muzukanji-realm.json.

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  1. Paginated list of all kanji

    GET /api/v1/kanji

    The returned JSON contains a pagination header containing the metadata and links to other pages. The data segment contains the list of all kanji containing the kanji itself, it's english meanings and a link to its details. It can be filtered with following optional Request Params:

    Param Type Constraints
    kanji string Must be japanese characters
    meaning string No constraints
    kunyomi string Must be japanese characters
    kunyomiRomaji string Must be roman characters
    onyomi string Must be japanese characters
    onyomiRomaji string Must be roman characters
    minStrokes integer Between 1 and 34
    maxStrokes integer Between 1 and 34
    minJlptLevel string One of: N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 (can be lowercase)
    maxJlptLevel string One of: N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 (can be lowercase)
    minJyoyoGrade integer Between 1 and 10
    maxJyoyoGrade integer Between 1 and 10
    minUsage integer Between 1 and 2051
    maxUsage integer Between 1 and 2051
  2. Kanji details, accessed by ID

    GET /api/v1/kanji/1

    It will return the output JSON like:

       "id": 1,
       "kanji": "",
       "meanings": "One, One Radical (no.1)",
       "kunyomi": "ひと-, ひと.つ",
       "kunyomiRomaji": "hito-, hito.tsu",
       "onyomi": "イチ, イツ",
       "onyomiRomaji": "ichi, itsu",
       "strokes": 1,
       "jlptLevel": "N5",
       "jyoyoGradeTaught": 1,
       "mostUsedInNewspapers": 2


To access the protected endpoints you need a bearer token issued from the Keycloak API. These endpoints are meant to be used to maintain the database and not be accessible to the client user.

  1. Create Kanji
    POST /api/v1/kanji
    Body must contain a properly formatted JSON with the Kanji's data. ID assignment is handled by the database. The Kanji field cannot be null.
       "kanji": "",
       "meanings": "One, One Radical (no.1)",
       "kunyomi": "ひと-, ひと.つ",
       "kunyomiRomaji": "hito-, hito.tsu",
       "onyomi": "イチ, イツ",
       "onyomiRomaji": "ichi, itsu",
       "strokes": 1,
       "jlptLevel": "N5",
       "jyoyoGradeTaught": 1,
       "mostUsedInNewspapers": 2
  2. Update Kanji
    PUT /api/v1/kanji/1
    It updates the kanji under the chosen ID with the data included in the JSON in the request body. The ID must be an integer not smaller than 1. There must exist a kanji under this ID.
       "kanji": "",
       "meanings": "One, One Radical (no.1)",
       "kunyomi": "ひと-, ひと.つ",
       "kunyomiRomaji": "hito-, hito.tsu",
       "onyomi": "イチ, イツ",
       "onyomiRomaji": "ichi, itsu",
       "strokes": 1,
       "jlptLevel": "N5",
       "jyoyoGradeTaught": 1,
       "mostUsedInNewspapers": 2
  3. Delete Kanji
    DELETE /api/v1/kanji/1
    It removes the Kanji under chosen ID from the database.

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Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Spring Boot Kanji API







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