All the models have been designed at WPI from scratch.
This repository contains RViz and Gazebo simulations of the da Vinci Surgical System controlled using ROS.
Ankur Agrawal:[email protected] Radian Azhar Gondokaryono:[email protected]
Adnan Munawar: [email protected]
- download & compile dvrk_env
# cd to catkin ws src dir
# clone repo
git clone
# copy models to .gazebo/models
cd dvrk_env/dvrk_description
# build
This is a short description of the packages in this repository. The detailed explanations and instructions are available in the packages itself.
dvrk_gazebo: Launch files to launch PSM, MTM, ECM, SUJ Cart and the full dvrk models in gazebo. Src includes model plugin which provides interface between the dvrk Gazebo simulation and ROS.
dvrk_gazebo_control: Example codes to control the gazebo simulation.
dvrk_description: CAD models, URDFs, SDFs of PSM, ECM, MTM, SUJ, and dVRk. Additionally it has launch files for all of the models in RViz.
# Run the Surgical System simulation
roslaunch dvrk_gazebo dvrk_gazebo.launch
Gazebo 7, ROS kinetic or ROS indigo, gazebo_ros_pkgs. If ROS-indigo is to be used with Gazebo 7, keep gazebo_ros_pkgs ( in your src folder.
If you find this work useful and use it in your research. Please use the following citation
Gondokaryono RA, Agrawal A, Munawar A, Nycz CJ, Fischer GS, An Approach to Modeling Closed-Loop Kinematic Chain Mechanisms, applied to Simulations of the da Vinci Surgical System, Special Issue on Platforms for Robotics Research - Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, Vol 16, No 8, pp 29-48, Nov 2019