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The itCoin Payment Channel Networks Simulator

The itCoin Payment Channel Network (PCN) Simulator is based on a combination of CloTH, a state-of-the-art simulator of the Lightning Network, and ROSS, a framework for parallel discrete event simulations. The target topology for the simulator is a Semi-Hierarchical PCN, a special topology based on a three-tier structure that corresponds to the traditional financial system. The repo also includes a topology generator for Semi-Hierarchical PCNs.

Installing requirements

  • Python 3.11 or later (with dev/distutils)

  • Poetry: please, follow the official installation instructions.

  • OpenMPI

    OpenMPI howto on Fedora (click to open) If you are running Fedora you will need to execute once:
    dnf install openmpi-devel

    Also, each time you open a new shell to run the project you will need to activate the openmpi environment, running:

    source /etc/profile.d/
    module load mpi/openmpi-x86_64

Cloning and building the simulator

  1. Clone the itcoin-pcn-simulator repository:

    cd ~
    git clone
  2. Build the simulator:

    cd ~/itcoin-pcn-simulator
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

Generating a topology

To generate network topologies, follow these steps:

  1. Set up the poetry environment:

    cd ~/itcoin-pcn-simulator/utilities
    poetry shell
    poetry install
  2. Generate a topology. In this example, we create a topology representing three nations (Italy, Finland, Cyprus), each with proportions based on their real-world geographic sizes. Different topologies will be generated for each specified --capacity-fractions, using channel capacities defined in the --model-params-file. These topologies will be partitioned into the specified -k number of partitions, and the output will be stored in the --output-dir:

    cd ~/itcoin-pcn-simulator/utilities
    poetry shell
    mkdir -p ../experiments/workspace/topologies/seed_42
    python plasma_network_generator/commands/ \
        -k 1 2 4 \
        --seed 42 \
        --size "3 30 30000 3000" \
        --nations "IT,FI,CY" \
        --capacity-fractions 0.5 1 \
        --model-params-file "plasma_network_generator/defaultModelParams.json" \
        --output-dir ../experiments/workspace/topologies/seed_42

Running a simulation

  1. Run the simulator. The ROSS Kernel requires the following parameters:

    • -np: number of processes (must match the number of partitions used to partition the topology)
    • --synch: synchronization method (options: 1=sequential, 2=conservative, 3=optimistic, 5=real-time optimistic)
    • --end: simulation end time (default 100000.00)

    Additionally, the model accepts these input parameters:

    • --input-dir: directory containing the files defining the simulation parameters. The simulation parameters are read from the following files: plasma_network_channels.csv, plasma_network_edges.csv, plasma_network_nodes.csv, plasma_paths.csv, which can be generated as described above
    • --output-dir: output directory where simulation results are stored (must exist)
    • --tps: constant load mode (transactions per second)
    • --tps-config: variable load mode (configured by a file)
    • --waterfall: enable/disable automatic deposits (1/0)
    • --reverse-waterfall: enable/disable automatic withdrawals (1/0)
    • --submarine-swaps: enable/disable on-chain vs off-chain atomic swaps (1/0)

    Sample command:

    cd ~/itcoin-pcn-simulator
    mkdir -p experiments/workspace/results
    OUTDIR="experiments/workspace/results/$(date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S")"
    mkdir "${OUTDIR}"
    NP=4 && \
    INDIR="experiments/workspace/topologies/seed_42/capacity-0.5/k_0${NP}" && \
    mpirun -np $NP build/itcoin-pcn-simulator \
        --input-dir="${INDIR}" \
        --output-dir="${OUTDIR}" \
        --synch=3 --extramem=400000 \
        --max-opt-lookahead=100 --batch=1 \
        --waterfall=1 --reverse-waterfall=1 \
        --use-known-paths=1 \
        --submarine-swaps=1 \
        --end=86400000 \
        --tps=2 \
        --block-size=4 \
        --block-congestion-rate=0 \

Analyze results

  1. You can calculate statistical about simulation results using the statistics analyzer utility. For example, after executing the following command, you will find the aggregated results in cloth_output.json

    cd ~/itcoin-pcn-simulator/utilities
    poetry shell
    python statistics_analyzer/commands/ \
        --input-dir ../"${OUTDIR}" \
        --output-dir ../"${OUTDIR}"

More advanced examples

For more advanced examples and simulations, see the following files:


Simulator of Payment Channel Networks for the itCoin project







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