handle SIM800L modules with a Raspberry Pi makes a phone call with a random quote
SIM800L.py is a SIM800L library SIM800L_call contains a few fun functions to get random quotes and read them, or to make a phone call and read the quote
Setup the serial ports
connecting the SIM800l
getting the api
for the sound: sudo apt-get install gstreamer-1.0
python -m pip install pyserial gtts
python-vlc on mac, brew install dbus, pip install dbus-python python-telegram-bot==13.5
adding audio to rpi zero https://learn.adafruit.com/introducing-the-raspberry-pi-zero/audio-outputs
necessary libs: pip3 install RPi.GPIO (create RPi folder with proper stuff in it for dev purposes) pip3 install gtts pip3 install python-vlc pip3 install python-telegram-bot==13.13