Eatabout App Server
POST /login - user login
GET /:user_name - get user by username
GET / - get all cuisines
GET /report - get cuisine chart data
GET / - get all entries
POST / - post a restaurant entry
GET /:entry_id - get a specific entry by id
DELETE /:entry_id - delete specific entry by id
POST / - post an entry item
DELETE /:item_id - delete a specific entry item
GET / - get all restaurants associated with a user
POST / - post a new restaurant associated with a user
GET /:restaurant_id - get a specific user restaurant
PATCH /:restaurant_id - edit user restaurant
DELETE /:restaurant_id - delete user restaurant
GET /:restaurant_id/entries - get all entries for a user restaurant
GET /all - get all restaurants
POST /all - post restaurant to main restaurants table
POST / - create new user (sign up)
POST / - post an item photo (uses cloudinary to store images)