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Tezos on Tezos

Optimistic rollup enabled with Tezos VM running on top of Tezos L1.



The goal of this project is to create permissioned application-specific Tezos-compatible rollup that has:

  • Reduced operational costs (contract automation, oracles)
  • Custom MEV-resistant solution
  • Chain-native tokenomics
  • Feeless experience
  • Contract wallets as first-class citizens (account abstraction)

How to play

Rollupnet is a public deployment of the smart rollup operator + Tezos-compatible facade node, it is used mostly for testing and demonstrating purposes.


Public endpoint:

You need to add custom network to your wallet, if you want to interact with the rollupnet. Check out this tutorial on how to add custom RPC provider to Temple wallet:


Import one of the following bootstrap keys:

  • edsk3gUfUPyBSfrS9CCgmCiQsTCHGkviBDusMxDJstFtojtc1zcpsh
  • edsk39qAm1fiMjgmPkw1EgQYkMzkJezLNewd7PLNHTkr6w9XA2zdfo
  • edsk4ArLQgBTLWG5FJmnGnT689VKoqhXwmDPBuGx3z4cvwU9MmrPZZ
  • edsk2uqQB9AY4FvioK2YMdfmyMrer5R8mGFyuaLLFfSRo8EoyNdht3
  • edsk4QLrcijEffxV31gGdN2HU7UpyJjA8drFoNcmnB28n89YjPNRFm


We have a dedicated instance of Better Call Dev explorer for periodic test networks including rollupnet:

You can use it to deploy and interact with smart contracts using web interface.


  • With the current limit (4096 bytes) for inbox messages you won't be able to deploy large smart contracts
  • Some Michelson features are not yet supported, so you might not able to deploy contracts containing particular opcodes


Your feedback is extremely valuable, and we also expect lots of bugs at early stage, so please contact us if anything works not as expected:


Install Rust toolchain:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

Add Wasm32 target:

rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

Install build dependencies:

make install

How to build



Create wasm file for the payload kernel:

make build-kernel PACKAGE=tezos_kernel


Convert payload kernel into 4kb pages and create a boot wasm file:

make build-installer PACKAGE=tezos_kernel

Facade node

Create a binary for the facade node:

make build-facade

Docker images

Creates local images out of the pre-built artifacts.

Rollup node

Requires installer kernel and generated pages.
Note the environment file included in the Makefile, that exposes OCTEZ_TAG, OCTEZ_PROTO.

make image-operator PACKAGE=tezos_kernel

Facade node

make image-facade

How to run

Note the environment file included in the Makefile, that exposes target NETWORK.


Depending on the target package run:

make run-tezos-operator

You will end up inside the docker container shell.
Every time you call this target, kernel and docker image will be rebuilt.

Generate new keys

For convenience, your local .tezos-client folder is mapped into the container in order to preserve the keys. Upon the first launch you need to create new keypair, in order to do that inside the operator shell:

$ operator generate_key

Check account info

If you already have a key, check it's balance: it should be at least 10k tez to operate a rollup, otherwise top up the balance from the faucet. To get your account address:

$ operator account_info

Originate rollup

$ operator deploy_rollup

Rollup data is persisted meaning that you can restart the container without data loss. If you try to call this command again it will tell you that there's an existing rollup configuration. Use --force flag to remove all data and originate a new one.

Run rollup node

$ operator run_node

Runs rollup node in synchronous mode, with logs being printed to stdout.
Also RPC is available at on your host machine.


Run tezos node binary with debug logs enabled:

$ make run-facade

Every time you call this target tezos node binary will be rebuilt.

Docker compose

Once you have both operator and facade images built, you can run them together with compose.

First, create a .env file with four environment variables:

TAG=<operator image tag>
NETWORK=<destination network name>
ROLLUP_ADDRESS=<sr rollup address from node logs>
OPERATOR_KEY=unencrypted:<edsk private key from .tezos-client folder>

Then run docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

How to test

Unit & integration tests

Make sure you have nextest installed:

cargo install cargo-nextest --locked

Run all tests:

make nextest


Prepare inputs using notebooks (make sure you have Python installed):

jupyter notebook
# navigate to scripts folder

Build kernel in debug mode, create docker image, and run REPL:

make debug-kernel PACKAGE=tezos_kernel

Populate rollup inbox:

> load inputs

Run kernel:

> step inbox

Make sure kernel state is updated:

> show key /head


Unsupported target wasm32-unknown-unknown

Known issues:

  • getrandom (does not compile since version 0.2.10) => use patched version
    getrandom = { git = "", branch = "patch/0.2" }

float instructions are forbidden

SCORU host does not support operations with floating point thus one need to make sure none of the dependencies introduces them.
Don't forget to use wasm-strip to eliminate dead code.

Known issues with common crates:

  • serde_json => use serde-json-wasm instead
  • num-bigint (floats used in to_radix_str and from_radix_str) => use ibig instead

In order to trace back float usage, first build kernel with debug info and generate .wat file:

make wat

Search for f64 and f32 substrings and unwind calls up to the crate level.

unknown import "__wbindgen_placeholder__"

Some of your dependencies use wasm-bindgen and mistakenly treat wasm32-unknown-unknown target as browser env.
Make sure you have disabled features that do so, or replace such dependencies.

Known issues with common crates:

  • chrono => disable clock feature
