Prints all environment variables that start with given string(s)
Requires Node version 6 or above.
Usually on your CI, you can just install this CLI tool globally
npm install -g @bahmutov/print-env
$ print-env
Usage: print-env [options] <PREFIX>...
Finds and prints the names and values of all environment variables present that start with any of the PREFIXes
-e, --exists Print only variable names
-h, --help display help for command
Call the tool with 1 or more prefixes, for example to show all vars beginning with TRAVIS or NODE:
$ print-env TRAVIS NODE
Variables are sorted alphabetically.
You can also check if sensitive variables are present using the -e|--exists
flag with the desired prefixes, in which case only the names of environment variables are printed:
$ print-env -e GH
Found environment variables that start with GH:
If there are no variables starting with the given prefix, the tool with exit with code 1
$ print-env -e FOO
No environment variables found that start with FOO
$ echo $?
You can run this tool without installing it permanently using npx
$ npx @bahmutov/print-env --exists USER
npx: installed 1 in 0.737s
Found environment variables that start with USER:
$ npx @bahmutov/print-env USER
npx: installed 1 in 1.975s
Found environment variables that start with USER:
New versions are automatically published to NPM from CI using semantic-release tool. In order for new version to be published, there should be commits since the last published version that have the subject with semantic convention.
fix: stop graphite breaking when too much pressure applied | patch release
feat: explain the feature | minor release
When making pull request, edit the title of the squashed commit - this is what semantic release will look at to decide if a new version should be published or not. If you forget, no big deal, just push an empty commit with desired release subject
git commit --allow-empty -m "feat: new exciting feature"
git push
Gleb Bahmutov <[email protected]> © 2017
- Jules Amonith @examosa
MIT - do anything with the code, but don't blame me if it does not work.
If you find any problems with this module, email / tweet / open issue on Github