- 🔭 I’m currently researching and teaching acoustic, vibration, and signal processing
- 💬 This account is mainly intended to host repositories to accompany them
- 👯 I am looking for collaborators on those subjects
- 📫 How to reach me: Twitter or Email
⚠️ Please mention me with@bagustris
when creating issues in my repos!
- A proposal for file extension of back up files
- A paper was accepted at 2025 ICASSP Workshop!
- A paper was accepted at ICAIIC 2025!
- Alasan Kenapa Kita Seharusnya Tidak Membeli (aka boycott) Barang dari TEMU
- Two Papers Accepted in O-COCOSDA 2024
I am currently learning, teaching, and researching speech/sound processing. Below are my repositories; most of them were made to accompany my research papers. Feel free to open issues and make pull requests. I will be happy if you wanna collaborate with me, in all areas. Reach me by email.