A server for managing, booting, and controlling simulators and devices on remote host machines.
- Enables control of simulators and devices connected to remote host machines
- Enables tests to run using remote simulators and devices
- Enables custom actions on simulators like clearing safari cookies or fast reset of a simulator
- Hides away satisfying desired capabilities, i.e. based on requested model or os will choose an appropriate host to create a simulator
- Download and install Java SDK 10
- set environment variable JAVA_HOME
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 10 -F)
Device Server uses fbsimctl, libimobiledevice and other tools under the hood.
To install dependencies run:
brew update
brew bundle
It might take some time to build dependencies used for physical devices. You can skip it by running following instead:
brew update
brew bundle --file="homebrew/Brewfile"
Some of the dependencies needed for physical devices have outdated stable releases and have to be installed from the latest head.
After installing Brewfile you might still need to run
brew upgrade usbmuxd libimobiledevice --fetch-HEAD
Build and run Device Server
cd device-server
Allocate Device
curl -X POST -d '{"model":"iPhone 6", "headless":false}' http://localhost:4567/devices
Query Device Server
curl http://localhost:4567/status
curl http://localhost:4567/devices
Release device by reference
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:4567/devices/${DEVICE_REF}
Ruby sample
require 'ios-device-server-client/remote_device'
server_url = 'http://localhost:4567'
provider = IosDeviceServerClient::DeviceProvider.new(server_url)
rv = provider.create(model: 'iPhone 6', os: 'iOS 11.4', headless: false)
remote_device = IosDeviceServerClient::RemoteDevice.new(server_url, rv['ref'])
remote_device.await(timeout: 30)
- command line utility will be published soon