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This repository is used to store all dot-config files for various shells and editors. This repository can be cloned to a new linux machine which can be setup quickly with GNU stow. This will bring back all custom shell and editor configurations or easily sync custom configuration between linux machines.

How Nested Git Repositories Are Configured - For Reference ONLY: A reference on how this .stowed repository was created with the various nested git repositories for the shell and editor plugins.

Stowed Terminal Tools:

  • ghostty
  • tmux
  • fzf
  • zoxide
  • starship

Stowed Shells:

  • bash
  • zsh

Stowed Editors:

  • nvim
  • vim
  • emacs

How To Use GNU Stow

1) Install GNU Stow

# Install Stow
sudo apt install -y stow

2) Clone This Repo on a New Linux Host

git clone $HOME/.stowed

3) Run Stow Command to Establish Symlinks to the Repository

# Create Symlinks to Repo
stow -d $HOME/.stowed stow ghostty tmux fzf starship bash zsh nvim vim emacs

# To Force Symlink Creation (NOTE: May miss some hidden files or symlinks)
stow -d $HOME/.stowed --adopt ghostty stow tmux fzf starship bash zsh nvim vim emacs
cd $HOME/.stowed
git reset --hard HEAD

# Sure-file Way to Ensure Stow Symlink Creation (NOTE: Ensure the GNU Stow succeeds before quitting the shell) 
rm -rf $HOME/.config/ghostty; rm -rf $HOME/.bash*; rm -rf $HOME/.zsh*; rm -rf $HOME/.oh-my-zsh; rm -rf $HOME/.config/nvim; rm -rf $HOME/.vim*; rm -rf $HOME/.emacs*; stow -d $HOME/.stowed stow ghostty tmux fzf starship bash zsh nvim vim emacs

Follow-up Package Installation for Shell/Editor Tools

0) Ghostty

# ghostty: Ubuntu debian version
sudo dpgk -i ghostty_1.0.1-0.ppa1_amd64_24.04.deb

1) Tmux

# tmux: Ubuntu package version
sudo apt install -y tmux

2) Zsh

# zsh: Ubuntu package version
sudo apt install -y zsh

3) Fzf

# fzf: Ubuntu package version
sudo apt install -y fzf

4) Zoxide

# zoxide: Shell script installer
curl -sSfL | sh

5) Starship

# starship: Shell script installer
curl -sS | sh

6) Neovim

# neovim: Latest version
curl -LO
sudo rm -rf /opt/nvim
sudo tar -C /opt -xzf nvim-linux-x86_64.tar.gz

# ripgrep: For NeoVIM search
sudo apt install -y ripgrep

# nerdfont: Terminal fonts for nvim theme
unzip -od ~/.local/share/fonts/
fc-cache -fv

6.1) Neovim Plugin Dependencies

Database UI Plugin

# DB UI - postgres/mysql (vim-dadbod and vim-dadbod-ui)
sudo apt install -y postgresql-client
sudo apt install -y mariadb-client 

7) Vim

sudo apt install -y vim

8) Emacs

sudo apt-add-repository -y ppa:kelleyk/emacs
sudo apt update -y
sudo apt install -y emacs28

Linux Development Environment Setup

1) Golang

# golang:
sudo tar -xvf go"$golang_version".linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go && sudo mv go /usr/local

# gopls:
go install

# dlv:
go install

# golangci-lint:
curl -sSfL | sudo sh -s -- -b /usr/bin v1.55.2

# gosec:
cd ~/.go
curl -sSfL | sh -s v2.18.1

# gotestsum:
go install

How to Use These Stowed Shell/Editor Tools

# 1) Start a new tmux session
tmux [new -s <session-name> [-c <start-directory>]]

# 2) Start nvim from within tmux to maintain session persistence across remote shell logins

General Tmux Session Commands

# 1) List existing tmux sessions
tmux ls

# 2) Detach from a tmux session
tmux detach

# 3) Attach to a tmux session
tmux attach -t <# | session-name>

# 4) Delete a tmux session
tmux kill-session -t <# | session-name>

# 5) Delete all tmux sessions
tmux kill-server

Tmux Key Bindings

# General Tmux Bindings (<C> is the Ctrl key)
<C-b> $ : Rename the tmux session name
<C-b> c : Creates a new tmux window
<C-b> " : Creates a new tmux pane horizontally split below
<C-b> % : Creates a new tmux pane vertically split on the right
<C-b> x : Exits current tmux pane or window (user prompted)
<C-b> q : Displays tmux pane numbers
<C-b> # : Switch to the tmux window number

# Tmux Sessions Switching
<C-b> s : Displays a tmux sessions menu to switch between tmux sessions

# Tmux Pane Switching
<C-h> : Move to the pane on the left
<C-j> : Move to the pane below
<C-k> : Move to the pane above
<C-l> : Move to the pane on the right
<C-b> q # : Selects the pane number to switch to
<C-b> p : Toggles a floating pane

# Tmux Pane Zoom-in/Zoom-out
<C-b> z : Toggles the current pane to zoom-in or zoom-out

# Tmux Pan Resizing (keyboard)
<C-b> <C-arrow-keys> : Fine grained resizing
<C-b> <M-arrow-keys> : Coarse grained resizing

# Newer Tmux 3.2 Copy/Paste (mouse)
<left-mouse-click> : copy
<middle-mouse-click> : paste

# Older Tmux 3.0a Copy/Paste (mouse)
<C-S-left-mouse-click> : copy
<C-S-middle-mouse-click> : paste 

# Tmux Copy/Paste vi-copy-mode (keyboard)
<C-b> [ : Enters copy-mode
<space> : Starts the selection (use vi motions to expand the selection)
<enter> : Stores the selection
<C-b> ] : Pastes the selection

Nvim Key Bindings

# General Nvim Bindings
<space> : Main leader key for all menus
<\> : Toggle NeoTree - Directory Browser
<*> : Bring up search for the highlighted text object
<q-/> : Bring up search history
<q-:> : Bring up command history
<C-v> : Block-Visual editing mode (<C-q> for WSL2)

# Nvim Search Bindings
<C-r-w> : Paste highlighted text object in search mode

# Nvim Window Switching (<C> is the Ctrl key)
<C-h> : Move to the window on the left
<C-j> : Move to the window below
<C-k> : Move to the window above
<C-l> : Move to the window on the right

# Nvim Tab Switching (<M> is the Alt key)
<M-#> : Switch to the file tab #
<M-,> : Switch to the file tab on the left
<M-.> : Switch to the file tab on the right
<M-<> : Move the current file tab position to the left
<M->> : Move the current file tab position to the right 
<M-c> : Close out the current file tab
<M-p> : Toggle pinning the current file tab

# Nvim Code Navigation
<C-]> | <C-left-mouse-click>: Go to Definition
<C-t> | <C-right-mouse-click> : Pop back up the stack
<leader> ld : LSP Definitions
<leader> lr : LSP References
<leader> li : LSP Implementations

# Nvim Telescope
<leader> sg : ripgrep search in project workspace
<C-q> : Add telescope search results to the quickfix list

# Nvim Debug
<F2> : Step Into
<F3> : Step Over
<F4> : Step Out
<F5> : Start/Continue
<F6> : Debug Nearest Test
<F7> : Restart Last Debug Session
<F8> : Toggle Breakpoint
<F9> : Toggle Conditional Breakpoint
<F12> : Stop Debugger


The repository to store all GNU stow configs.







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