The architecture is inspired from the Clean Architecture Manifesto based on the new Android Architecture Components, here is how the project implements it :
- Layer : User Interface This part is responsible for displaying the data provided by the ViewModel. It contains a simple RecyclerView with It’s Adapter.
- Presentation Relies on the Android Architecture View Model Component that Handles The persistence of data when the configuration of the device changes ,means we will still have the elements we already fetched and the pages we already loaded
- Domain Handles the pagination internally using the repository method getAlbums(from,to)
- Domain Fetch and Persist All Albums gotten from the API Endpoint
- Data Repository is the layer handling the data either from the network or locally
- Data locally we use Room as a database.
- Data Remotely we fetch data using Retrofit http client.
- (User Interface) , 9(Presentation), 10(Domain) - Handles displaying a single Album
AlbumEntity : is used in the Local Repository and within the whole app (Album) is used. LiveData is used in the Presentation And User Interface layer and RxJava is used beneath Presentation.
Display Albums (Demo)
Display one Album (Demo)
Libraries Used
- RxJava 2
- Dagger 2
- Retrofit
- Picasso
- Gson
- Android Support Library
- Android Architecture Components
- LiveData
- ViewModel
- Room
- Mockito
- Repository
- Remote
- Local (Room)
- Domain
- Presentation
- User Interface
- Seperate each Layer in a module Repository / Domain / Presentation
- Optimize the First Start Up so each element Inserted should be displayed.
- Improve the User Interface.
- Create an Abstract common Use Case that can support code evolution, like centralize the use case startup in a single method execute.
- Set Up a more con wiring architecture for DI.