This module creates a SecretsManager and stores the configured Rollbar project access tokens in it.
This is useful in order to load the Rollbar project access tokens into ECS via containerDefinitions.secrets.valueFrom
module "secretsmanager-for-rollbar-access-tokens" {
source = "babbel/secretsmanager-for-rollbar-access-tokens/aws"
version = "~> 2.1"
name_prefix = "example"
rollbar_tokens = values(rollbar_project_access_token.example)
In the ECS task definition, you can now define environment variables referencing the SecretsManager:
resource "aws_ecs_task_definition" "example" {
container_definitions = jsonencode([{
secrets = [{
value = "${module.secretsmanager-for-rollbar-access-tokens.secretsmanager_secret.arn}:${}::"
Please also make sure that you grant permissions on the secretsmanager:GetSecretValue
action for the SecretsManager on the ECS task execution IAM role.