World of Warcraft addon. Skillet-Classic is a replacement for the default TradeSkill (and Crafting/Enchanting) UI.
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To help with Localization see:
Other than "Please open an issue" I won't be responding to bug reports in comments.
- Larger the the standard tradeskill window
- Built-in queue for creating multiple, different items
- Queued items are saved when you log out and are restored on log in
- Automatically buy reagents for queued recipes when visiting a vendor
- If you can craft a reagent needed by a recipe, then clicking on that reagent will take you to its recipe (same features as Reverse Engineering)
- If the item to be crafted requires a minimum level to use, that level can be displayed along with the recipe (disabled by default)
- The shopping list of items needed for all queued recipes for all alts can be displayed at banks, auction houses, or from the command line
- Items needed for crafting queued items can be automatically retrieved from your bank or guild bank (by using the shopping list)
- User editable list of notes attached to reagents and crafted items
- Queued counts added to (optional) notes display
- Crafted counts can be adjusted with Right-click and Shift-right-click on the item icon in the detail frame
- Recipes can be filtered by name, whether or not you could level when creating the item, and whether or not you have the mats available
- Sorting of recipes (name, difficulty, level, and quality of crafted item)
- Tracking inventory on alternate characters
- Plugin support for (limited) modification of the Skillet frame by other addons
- Custom grouping
- User managed Ignored Materials List
- Complete or mostly complete localizations for deDE, esES, frFR, ruRU, koKR, zhCN, zhTW
- TradeSkillMaster
- Skillet-Classic can be used with TSM for all professions except Enchanting
- If the TSM Crafting UI is set to native ('TSM4') mode
- Note: Skillet frames have strata and background changes in this mode
- For Enchanting, use the TSM Crafting UI or disable TSM
- What are the numbers in the middle and how to hide them? - Right-click on the bag icon above the numbers.
- Blue = How many you have
- Green = How many you can make from materials you have
- Yellow = How many you can make by crafting the reagents
- Orange = How many you can make if you purchase materials from a vendor
- Purple = How many you can make using materials on your alts
- How to search in the item name only? - Start your search phrase with exclamation mark: !ink
- How to search in Auction House? - Alt+Click on shopping list
- How to retrieve items from bank? - Turn on "Display shopping list at banks"
- How to turn off Skillet temporarily? - Shift+Click your profession button/link
- How to paste a recipe in the chat? - double click on the recipe list