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ImproveDigital SDK

ImproveDigital SDK provides Ads from Improve Digital ad network.

Getting Started


For integrating ImproveDigital sdk you need to have cocoapods installed on your mac. You will find complete instruction of installing cocoapods here.

  • Install cocopods:
$ sudo gem install cocoapods


  • iOS 11.0 or later
  • macOS 10.11 or later
  • Xcode 11.0 or later


CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries in your projects. See the Get Started section for more details.


platform :ios, '11.0'

pod 'ImproveDigital'

NOTE For Xcode 14: Xcode 14 no longer set CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED to NO by default for resource bundles. Unfortunately, you need to assign a development team to each and every Pod target. For this add following code in your Podfile

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    if target.respond_to?(:product_type) and target.product_type == ""
      target.build_configurations.each do |config|
          config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'

NOTE for Intel based Mac: Macs with Intel chipset doesn't supports arm64 simulator architecture. If you want to run it on Intel based Macs then you need to add following script on your Podfile.

post_install do |installer|
    installer.pods_project.build_configurations.each do |config|
    config.build_settings["EXCLUDED_ARCHS[sdk=iphonesimulator*]"] = "arm64"

Open terminal and go to the project location. Install pod using below command

pod install --repo-update

Swift Package Manager

  1. Go to File --> Add Packages... and search for ImproveDigital package using following github url:

Search ImproveDigital package

Add the ImproveDigital package

ImproveDigital package

  1. Add -ObjC flag in your Other Linker Flags build settings.

Other Linker Flags

How To Use


Improve Digital SDK initializes with a IMDSettings object. Create a settings object with your preferable values and initialize the sdk like bellow

  • Objective-C
    IMDSettings *settings = [[IMDSettings alloc] init];
    settings.withUserConsent = YES;
    settings.gdprConsentString = @"MY_GDPR_CONSENT_STRING_HERE";
    settings.isCOPPACompliant = YES;
    settings.isTestModeEnabled = YES;
    settings.isDebugModeEnabled = YES;

    [ImproveDigital initializeWithSettings:settings withCompletionHandler:^(IMDAdNetworkStatus *status) {
  • Swift
    let settings = IMDSettings()
    settings.gdprConsentString = "My gdpr consent string here"
    settings.isCOPPACompliant = true
    settings.withUserConsent = true
    settings.isDebugModeEnabled = true

    ImproveDigital.initialize(with: settings) { status in

It is recommended to initialize ImproveDigital SDK in AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:

Banner Ad

IMDBannerView can be added both from interface builder or programmatically.

  • Interface Builder
    In a view controller Add a view and change it's class to IMDBannerView from the identity inspector. Create a IBOutlet in your view controller.
  • Objective-C
    @property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet IMDBannerView *bannerView;

    self.bannerView.delegate = self;
    self.bannerView.adSize = kIMDSizeBanner;
    self.bannerView.placementId = @"YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE";
  • Swift
    @IBOutlet weak var bannerView: IMDBannerView!

    self.bannerView.delegate = self
    self.bannerView.adSize = kIMDSizeBanner
    self.bannerView.placementId = "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE"
  • Programmatically

Initialize banner ad using IMDBannerView class with your banner ad placement Id, ad size and IMDBannerViewDelegate. Then add it as a subview on your view controller's view.

  • Objective-C
    self.bannerView = [[IMDBannerView alloc] initWithPlacementId: @"YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE" withAdSize: kIMDSizeBanner withDelegate: self];
  • Swift
    self.bannerView = IMDBannerView(placementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE", with: kIMDSizeBanner, with: self)

To load the banner ad and start auto refresh use following implementation

  • Objective-C
    [self.bannerView loadAd];
    [self.bannerView startAutoRefresh];
  • Swift

Implement IMDBannerViewDelegate to get success and error callbacks.

  • Objective-C
    - (void)onClickedBannerView:(nonnull IMDBannerView *)bannerView {

    - (void)onDisplayedBannerView:(nonnull IMDBannerView *)bannerView {

    - (void)onFailedToDisplayBannerView:(nonnull IMDBannerView *)bannerView withError:(nonnull IMDError *)error {

    - (void)onFailedToLoadBannerView:(nonnull IMDBannerView *)bannerView withError:(nonnull IMDError *)error {

    - (void)onLoadBannerView:(nonnull IMDBannerView *)bannerView {
  • Swift
    func onLoad(_ bannerView: IMDBannerView) {
    func onFailed(toLoad bannerView: IMDBannerView, withError error: IMDError) {
    func onClickedBannerView(_ bannerView: IMDBannerView) {
    func onDisplayedBannerView(_ bannerView: IMDBannerView) {
    func onFailed(toDisplay bannerView: IMDBannerView, withError error: IMDError) {

Interstitial Ad

Create a IMDInterstitialPlacementwith placement id and placement type. Then load the interstitial ad with the placement. On complete loading you will be notified on load method completion block. After loading completed, present your interstitial ad from the top most view controller.

NOTE: You must store the loaded ad to use it later for showing interstitial ad.

  • Objective-C
    @property(nonatomic, strong) IMDInterstitialAd *interstitialAd;

    //Load interstitial ad
    IMDInterstitialPlacement *placement = [[IMDInterstitialPlacement alloc] initWithPlacementId:@"YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE" withType:IMDInterstitialPlacementType_STATIC];
    __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
    [IMDInterstitialAd loadAdWithPlacement:placement completionHandler:^(IMDInterstitialAd * _Nullable ad, IMDError * _Nullable error) {
        if(error != nil) {
            NSLog(@"Error: %@", error.message);
        }else {
            weakSelf.interstitialAd = ad;
            weakSelf.interstitialAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = weakSelf;
    //Present interstitial ad on load success
    [self.interstitialAd presentFromRootViewController:topmostViewController];
  • Swift
    var interstitialAd: IMDInterstitialAd!
    //Load interstitial ad
    let placement = IMDInterstitialPlacement(placementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE", with: .STATIC)
    IMDInterstitialAd.load(with: placement) {[weak self] ad, error in
            if error != nil {
                print("Error: \(error?.message ?? "")")
            }else {
                self?.interstitialAd = ad
                self?.interstitialAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = self

    //Present interstitial ad on load success
    self.interstitialAd.present(fromRootViewController: topmostViewController)

Implement IMDFullScreenPresentableAd delegate

  • Objective-C
-(void)onDisplayedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad {

-(void)onFailedToDisplayAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad withError:(IMDError *)error {

-(void)onClickedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad {

-(void)onClosedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad {
  • Swift
    func onDisplayedAd(_ ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd) {

    func onFailed(toDisplay ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd, withError error: IMDError) {
    func onClickedAd(_ ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd) {
    func onClosedAd(_ ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd) {

Rewarded Video Ad

Load the rewarded video ad with placement Id. On complete loading you will be notified on load method completion block. After loading completed, present your rewarded video ad from the top most view controller.

NOTE: You must store the loaded ad to use it later for showing rewarded video ad.

  • Objective-C
    @property(nonatomic, strong) IMDRewardedVideoAd *rewardedAd;
    __weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self;
    //Load rewarded video ad
    [IMDRewardedVideoAd loadAdWithPlacementId:placementId completionHandler:^(IMDRewardedVideoAd * _Nullable ad, IMDError * _Nullable error) {
        if(error != nil) {
            NSLog(@"Error: %@", error.message);
        }else {
            weakSelf.rewardedAd = ad;
            weakSelf.rewardedAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = weakSelf;
            weakSelf.rewardedAd.rewardEarnedDelegate = weakSelf;

    //Present rewarded video ad on load success
    [self.rewardedAd presentFromRootViewController:topmostViewController];
  • Swift
    var rewardedAd: IMDRewardedVideoAd!
    //Load rewarded video ad
    IMDRewardedVideoAd.load(withPlacementId: "YOUR_PLACEMENT_ID_HERE") {[weak self] ad, error in
            if error != nil {
                print("Error: \(error?.message ?? "")")
            }else {
                self?.rewardedAd = ad
                self?.rewardedAd.fullScreenContentDelegate = self
                self?.rewardedAd.rewardEarnedDelegate = self

    //Present rewarded video ad on load success
    self.rewardedVideoAd.present(fromRootViewController: topmostViewController)

Implement IMDFullScreenPresentableAd delegate

  • Objective-C
-(void)onDisplayedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad {

-(void)onFailedToDisplayAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad withError:(IMDError *)error {

-(void)onClickedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad {

-(void)onClosedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad {
  • Swift
    func onDisplayedAd(_ ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd) {

    func onFailed(toDisplay ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd, withError error: IMDError) {
    func onClickedAd(_ ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd) {
    func onClosedAd(_ ad: IMDFullScreenPresentableAd) {

Implement IMDRewardEarnedDelegate delegate

  • Objective-C
- (void)rewardEarnedOnRewardedVideoAd:(IMDRewardedVideoAd *)ad {
  • Swift
func rewardEarned(on ad: IMDRewardedVideoAd!) {

SDK Migration

Migrate from v2 to v3

Interstitial ad load method

v2 v3
-(instancetype)init This method has been made unavailable. On ad load completion handler you will get allocated instance of IMDInterstitialAd
+(instancetype)new This method has been made unavailable. On ad load completion handler you will get allocated instance of IMDInterstitialAd
-(void)loadAdWithPlacement:(IMDInterstitialPlacement *)placement + (void)loadAdWithPlacement:(IMDInterstitialPlacement *)placement completionHandler:(nonnull IMDInterstitialAdLoadCompletionHandler)completionHandler

Interstitial ad delegate methods

v2 v3
IMDInterstitialAdDelegate IMDFullScreenPresentableAd
-(void)onLoadInterstitialAd:(IMDInterstitialAd *)ad Ad load success status is included in the load completion handler of load function in the IMDInterstitialAd class
-(void)onFailedToLoadInterstitialAd:(IMDInterstitialAd *)ad withError:(IMDError *)error Ad load failure status is included as error in the load completion handler of load function in the IMDInterstitialAd class
-(void)onDisplayedInterstitialAd:(IMDInterstitialAd *)ad -(void)onDisplayedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad
-(void)onFailedToDisplayInterstitialAd:(IMDInterstitialAd *)ad withError:(IMDError *)error -(void)onFailedToDisplayAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad withError:(IMDError *)error
-(void)onClickedInterstitialAd:(IMDInterstitialAd *)ad -(void)onClickedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad
-(void)onClosedInterstitialAd:(IMDInterstitialAd *)ad -(void)onClosedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad

Rewarded video ad load method

v2 v3
-(instancetype)init This method has been made unavailable. On ad load completion handler you will get allocated instance of IMDRewardedVideoAd
+(instancetype)new This method has been made unavailable. On ad load completion handler you will get allocated instance of IMDRewardedVideoAd
-(void)loadAd + (void)loadAdWithPlacementId:(nonnull NSString *)placementId completionHandler:(nonnull IMDRewardedVideoAdLoadCompletionHandler)completionHandler

Rewarded video ad delegate methods

v2 v3
IMDRewardedVideoAdDelegate IMDFullScreenPresentableAd
-(void)onLoadAd:(IMDRewardedVideoAd *)ad Ad load success status is included in the load completion handler of load function in the IMDRewardedVideoAd class
-(void)onFailedToLoadAd:(IMDRewardedVideoAd *)ad withError:(IMDError *)error Ad load failure status is included as error in the load completion handler of load function in the IMDRewardedVideoAd class
-(void)onDisplayedAd:(IMDRewardedVideoAd *)ad -(void)onDisplayedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad
-(void)onFailedToDisplayAd:(IMDRewardedVideoAd *)ad withError:(IMDError *)error -(void)onFailedToDisplayAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad withError:(IMDError *)error
-(void)onClickedAd:(IMDRewardedVideoAd *)ad -(void)onClickedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad
-(void)onClosedAd:(IMDRewardedVideoAd *)ad -(void)onClosedAd:(id<IMDFullScreenPresentableAd>)ad