A list of graphics resources that I find interesting. Originally, the list was mostly about Vulkan, but more recently I'm slowly adding bits of other stuff like DirectX 12 and Unreal.
- Vulkan Guide
- 3D Graphics Rendering Cookbook
- Vulkan Discord
- AMD - Understanding Vulkan Objects
- docs.vulkan.org
- Charles G - Common Mistakes When Learning Vulkan Presentation Video
- Khronos - Vulkan Samples
- SaschaWillems - Vulkan Samples
- The Maister - Yet Another Blog Explaining Vulkan Synchronization
- AMD - Vulkan Barriers Explained
- Khronos - Using pipeline barriers efficiently
- Khronos - Synchronization Examples
- Khronos - Synchronization Examples (Legacy)
- Reddit - What Exactly is Frames in Flight?
- Intel - Frame resources count when using frames-in-flight
- Diligent Engine - Unified Resource State Management for Vulkan and Direct3D12
- Khronos - Acceleration Structures
- Khronos - Raytracing in Vulkan
- Khronos - Vulkan Raytracing Final Specification
- Jason Ekstrand - Ray-tracing in Vulkan Presentation Video
- NVPro
- NVPro - Samples
- SaschaWillems - VulkanPathTracer
- Thorsten Thormählen - Image Synthesis Vulkan Ray Tracing Pipeline
- Raytracing Gems II
- VMA Quick Start
- VMA Usage Patterns
- VMA and Volk Stackoverflow Reddit
- Aortiz - A Primer On Efficient Rendering Algorithms & Clustered Shading
- Olsson et al. - Clustered Deferred and Forward Shading
- Emil Persson - Practical Clustered Shading
- Van Oosten Thesis
- Id - The Devil is in Details
- Id - Rendering Doom Eternal
- Michal Drobot - Improved Culling for Tiled and Clustered Rendering
- MJP - Shadows
- Microsoft - Common Techniques to Improve Shadow Depth Maps
- Nikolas Kasyan - Playing with Real-Time Shadows
- LearnOpenGL - Cascade Shadow Mapping
- OGLDev - Cascade Shadow Mapping
- Digital Rune - Shadow Mapping
- Louis Bavoil - Advanced Soft Shadow Mapping Techniques
- Andrew Pham - PCSS
- Benedikt Bitterli - SIGGRAPH 2020 Paper
- ReSTIR Vulkan
- ReSTIR on Shadertoy
- A Gentle Introduction to ReSTIR
- A Gentler Introduction to ReSTIR
- Charles Giessen - Exploration of Bindless Rendering
- Reddit - How to use texture arrays using descriptor indexing
- Wicked Engine - Bindless Descriptors
- Khronos - Buffer Device Address
- Marco Castorina - Understanding Vulkan device buffer address alignment
- 丛越 - 再论现代图形 API 的 Bindless
- Arseny Kapoulkine - niagara: GPU object culling
- Inigo Quilez - Frustum Correct
- Vulkan Guide - Cull Compute Core
- Sascha Willems - Compute Cull and LOD
- GPU Rendering and Multi-Draw Indirect
- FrameGraph: Extensible Rendering Architecture in Frostbite
- The Maister - Render Graphs and Vulkan
- Pavlo Muratov - Organizing GPU Work with Directed Acyclic Graphs
- Yuriy O'Donnell - FrameGraph: Extensible Rendering Architecture in Frostbite
- Riccardo Loggini - Render Graphs
- Godot - GPU synchronization in Godot 4.3 is getting a major upgrade
- yetmania - Basic Render Graph
- Graphics Programming Discord
- glslang API
- glslang Integration
- Jeremy Ong's Blog
- alain.xyz - Comparison of Modern Graphics APIs
- Shader Occupancy
- Early Depth Test
- MJP - Shader Permutations
- David Lettier - 3D Game Shaders For Beginners
- Khronos - Buffer Device Address
- Andrew Pham - Spherical Harmonics
- Khronos - Offset and Stride Assignment
- Iago Toral - Frame analysis of a rendering of the Sponza model
- Simon Coenen - DOOM Eternal - Graphics Study
- graphics-programming.org
- Jendrik Illner - Graphics Programming Weekly
- Francesco Cifariello - Intro to GPU Scalarization
- Elias Daler - How I learned Vulkan and wrote a small game engine with it
- DirectX Specification
- DirectX 12 Programming Guide
- DirectX Graphics Samples
- Vasilios Magriplis - Intro to DX12
- alain.xyz - Raw DirectX 12
- alessiot89 - Direct3D 12.0 Quick Reference Guide
- braynzarsoft - DirectX 12 Tutorials
- Mapping Vulkan to DirectX 12 Reddit StackExchange
- Riccardo Loggini - Root Signature
- DirectXTK12 Utilities
- MicrosoftDocs - Direct3D12
- Jing Zhang - awesome-d3d12
- Adam Sawicki - Direct3D 12: Long Way to Access Data
- Tarun Ramaswamy - Bindless Rendering
- Khronos - Vulkan High Level Shader Language Comparison
- Lei Zhang - HLSL for Vulkan Resources
- GLSL-to-HLSL reference