Printable (no background):
Suggestions, error or typos reports and any other comments are always welcome.
If you need a specific source or document format, just ask! I will try to please your requests.
PS: I am a inDesigner noob, layout will improve... slowly... pole pole...
2017/01/03 - Added different Windows SDK target releases.
2017/01/02 - Re-added diagrams titles.
2016/12/30 - Updated to SDK version 1607
2016/05/12 - Added DXGI tearing feature update.
2016/06/28 - Fixed description for tiling and memory reservation.
2016/06/26 - Different typos fixed.
2016/03/25 - Fixed some typos, better formatting, less psychedelic-colours, added additional notation for those structures having a D3DX12 class helper, added a section containing links to external useful resources, added a version without background colour for printing.
2016/03/23 - Initial release.