Docker and Docker Compose. The current development setup is known to work with the following versions: Docker: 19 and 20 Docker Compose: 1.23 and 1.27
Other versions are likely to work as well.
This project is containerized via Docker.
Run ./scripts/setup
from directory root
Then run ./scripts/server
The dev app will be served at http://localhost:9000 and automatically opened in a new tab in your default browser.
The app will auto refresh after saving js/css/html
docker-compose run app grunt build --env=prod
docker-compose run -e MOS_S3_ID=<AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID> -e MOS_S3_SECRET=<AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY> app s3_website push
npm test
will run the test suite.
Note that tests require Chrome 59+, for the headless browser support.