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Beta versions

azalty edited this page Nov 21, 2021 · 5 revisions

Beta versions are versions that are not officially out and marked as "stable".

Where do I find them?

They can be found and downloaded in the "main" branch of the repository:

You can download the beta version by clicking here: (or the green "Code" button -> Download ZIP)

The main branch will always contain the latest release, stable or beta:
If the latest release is a stable one, it'll be the same as downloading it from the releases page
If the latest release is a beta one, it'll contain the beta one

Older beta versions are harder to find and download. You shouldn't bother with that, and you should create an issue if you need help or if you want to report a bug.

Installation instructions

  1. Download the latest beta version (if available)
  2. Open sm-no-dupe-account-main
  3. Merge all the folders along with their content inside addons/sourcemod/, except the .github folder. Manually edit your config file inside the configs folder instead of merging it if you want to keep your config (in case it changed).
  4. Ignore every other file (LICENSE,
  5. If NDA is already started, reload it. If not, load it. NDA supports late-loading (loading mid-game, without restarting the server or changing map)
  6. Config your cvars config file cfg/sourcemod/no_dupe_account.cfg (and cfg/sourcemod/no_dupe_account_advanced.cfg if you want to) if any cvar has been added/updated (reload NDA after that if you modified this file).


  • Reload from the server's console: sm plugins reload no_dupe_account
  • Reload from your in-game console: sm_rcon sm plugins reload no_dupe_account (rcon permission required: m or z flag)
  • Load from the server's console: sm plugins load no_dupe_account
  • Load from your in-game console: sm_rcon sm plugins load no_dupe_account (rcon permission required: m or z flag)

Warnings about beta versions


  • Could contain some developer logging
  • Could have bugs
  • Less tested than stable versions


  • Often contain fixes for previous bugs that are still present in "stable" releases, or more logging to help solving those bugs
  • Could have new features that aren't released yet

We try to avoid bugs in the beta versions too, but not as much as stable versions.
Some beta versions might be pushed without being tested before.

Should I switch to a beta version?

If you're happy with your current stable version, no.

However, if a bug you have is fixed in the latest beta version (check Issues) or if a new feature you really want is in the beta, you can switch to it.

Try to take some time to see if the beta version is currently pretty stable, and be aware that bugs might be present!
Please always try to report bugs you find.


Thanks to everyone that uses beta versions and that give feedback about it!
It helps me to develop NDA even more with new features and bug fixes!