Hi, welcome to my project. To get the project up and running on your local computer, please follow the instructions given below.
The project itself is based on Python3 and further uses libraries which may require further installation.
- (Skip if you have Python3 Installed) Download Python3 from here
- Install the following libraries if not installed already-
- smtplib, openpyxl, datetime, tkinter
- To install the libraries, type the following in your console-
pip3 install smtplib
(similarly for others)
After installing, open the gui.py file by typing python gui.py
in your console. Make sure to change directory to where the file is stored.
If everything is installed correctly, it should look like this-
Not the best GUI, I know! However it does its job. Follow the labels and enter the date ,the event and the recipients and click submit. All Done!