To install with NuGet, just install the ObjectDeliverer package:
Install-Package ObjectDeliverer
ObjectDeliverer is a data transmission / reception library for C#.
It is a sister library of the same name for UE4.
It has the following features.
- Communication protocol, data division rule, serialization method can be switched by part replacement.
- It is also possible to apply your own object serialization method
The following protocols can be used with built-in. You can also add your own protocol.
- TCP/IP Server(Connectable to multiple clients)
- TCP/IP Client
- UDP(Sender)
- UDP(Receiver)
- Shared Memory
- LogFile Writer
- LogFile Reader
The following rules are available for built-in split rules of transmitted and received data.
- Byte Array
- UTF-8 string
- Object(Json)
Create ObjectDelivererManager and create various communication paths by passing "Communication Protocol", "Packet Split Rule" and "Serialization Method" to the arguments of StartAsync method.
// Create an ObjectDelivererManager
var deliverer = new ObjectDelivererManager<string>();
// Watching for connection events
deliverer.Connected.Subscribe(async x =>
// Sending data to a connected party
await deliverer.SendAsync(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x12 });
await deliverer.SendAsync(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x12, 0x23 });
// Watching for disconnection events
deliverer.Disconnected.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine("disconnected"));
// Watching for incoming events
deliverer.ReceiveData.Subscribe(x =>
Console.WriteLine($"received buffer length = {x.Buffer.Length}");
Console.WriteLine($"received message = {x.Message}");
// Start the ObjectDelivererManager
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 },
new DeliveryBoxString());
You can switch to various communication protocols by changing the Protocol passed to the StartAsync method.
// TCP/IP Client
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
// TCP/IP Server
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpServer() { ListenPort = 9013 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
// UDP Sender
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolUdpSocketSender() { DestinationIpAddress = "", DestinationPort = 9013 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
// UDP Receiver
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolUdpSocketReceiver() { BoundPort = 9013 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
// SharedMemory
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolSharedMemory() { SharedMemoryName = "SharedMemory", SharedMemorySize = 1024 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
// Log File Writer
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolLogWriter() { FilePath = @"C:\log\comlog.txt" },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
// Log File Reader
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolLogReader() { FilePath = @"C:\log\comlog.txt" },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
You can easily change the packet splitting rule.
// FixedSize
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 });
// Header(BodySize) + Body
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleSizeBody() { SizeLength = 4, SizeBufferEndian = ECNBufferEndian.Big });
// Split by terminal symbol
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleTerminate() { Terminate = new byte[] { 0xFE, 0xFF } });
// Nodivision
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleNodivision());
Using DeliveryBox enables sending and receiving of non-binary data (character strings and objects).
// UTF-8 string
var deliverer = new ObjectDelivererManager<string>();
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleFixedLength() { FixedSize = 10 },
new DeliveryBoxString());
deliverer.ReceiveData.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Message));
await deliverer.SendMessageAsync("ABCDEFG");
// Object
public class SampleObj
public int Prop { get; set; }
public string StringProp { get; set; }
public string Hoge() => $"{Prop}_{StringProp}";
var deliverer = new ObjectDelivererManager<SampleObj>();
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleSizeBody() { SizeLength = 4, SizeBufferEndian = ECNBufferEndian.Big },
new DeliveryBoxObjectJson<SampleObj>());
deliverer.ReceiveData.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Message.Hoge()));
var sampleObj = new SampleObj() { Prop = 1, StringProp = "abc" };
await deliverer.SendMessageAsync(sampleObj);
You can create a DeliveryBox with your own serialization method.
Ex) When applying a serializer using MessagePack(
public class SampleObj2
public int Prop { get; set; }
public string StringProp { get; set; }
public string Hoge() => $"{Prop}_{StringProp}";
// Definition of DeliveryBox using MessagePack
public class ObjectDeliveryBoxUsingMessagePack<T> : IDeliveryBox<T>
public override ReadOnlyMemory<byte> MakeSendBuffer(T message) => MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(message);
public override T BufferToMessage(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> buffer) => MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize<T>(buffer);
var deliverer = new ObjectDelivererManager<SampleObj2>();
await deliverer.StartAsync(
new ProtocolTcpIpClient() { IpAddress = "", Port = 9013 },
new PacketRuleSizeBody() { SizeLength = 4, SizeBufferEndian = ECNBufferEndian.Big },
new ObjectDeliveryBoxUsingMessagePack<SampleObj2>());
deliverer.ReceiveData.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x.Message.Hoge()));
var sampleObj = new SampleObj2() { Prop = 1, StringProp = "abc" };
await deliverer.SendMessageAsync(sampleObj);