Create a file stream from a string.
That is:
string2fileStream('string-content') === fs.createReadStream(/* path to a text file with content 'string-content' */)
Rewrite <fs.ReadStream>, and replace all file operations with equivalent string operations.
npm install string-to-file-stream --save
Then, follow your intuitive feelings:
const string2fileStream = require('string-to-file-stream');
const assert = require('assert');
const input = 'Oh, my great data!';
const s = string2fileStream(input);
s.on('data', (chunk) => {
assert.equal(chunk.toString(), input);
Or the more useful example, upload a fake file:
const string2fileStream = require('string-to-file-stream');
const FormData = require('form-data');
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append('filetoupload', string2fileStream('my-string-data', { path: 'no-this-file.txt' }));
form.submit('', function(err, res) {
See Test Cases for more details.
* @typedef {Object} FileStreamOptions
* @property {string} [flags = 'r']
* @property {string} [encoding = 'utf8'] String encoding, 'utf8' by default.
* @property {number} [fd = null]
* @property {number} [mode = 0o666]
* @property {number} [autoClose = true]
* @property {number} [start = 0] Read bytes from specified position, start counting at 0.
* @property {number} [end] Byte length of the input string.
* @property {number} [highWaterMark = 64 * 1024]
* @property {string} [path = 'no-this-file.txt'] Fake file path, which can be relative or absolute path, null by default.
* Create file stream from a string.
* @param {*} str The input string.
* @param {FileStreamOptions} options Other options, including 'encoding', 'path' etc.
* @return {fs.ReadStream}
function string2fileStream(str, options) {
return new ReadStream(str, options);
P.S.Above option fileds without description are the same as options
for fs.createReadStream(path[, options]).
git clone
cd string-to-file-stream
npm install
npm test
- fix: Node.js >= 18 supports (#9)
- feat: Node.js < 9.3.0 supports (#4)
- feat: attach fake file path by default
Initial release.