Automagically turn your code annotations (like TODO or FIXME ) to github / gitlab issues. This repository is a fork of the excellent fixme repository + adding github support.
npm install -g fixme-to-issue
There are two ways to use fixme-to-issue:
- Options can be retrieved from configuration file:
- Create a .fixme-to-issue file at the root of your folder
- Then simply
- Options can be passed in CLI
fixme-to-issue [options]
Include a .fixme-to-issue in the root folder of your project and update the configuration:
"max_line_length": 1000, // number of max characters a line (default: 1000)
"ignore_hidden": false, // ignore hidden files (default: false)
"use_git_ignore": true, ignore patterns from your .gitignore file. This parameter accepts the path for the .gitIgnore file (default: false | no .gitignore is read
"ignored_directories": ["bin"], Path patterns to exclude (default: include all files and directories)
"encoding": "utf8", file encoding to be scanned (default: utf8)
"github": {
"username": "USERNAME", // github username with push rights to the current repository
"password": "PASSWORD" // github password
"prefix": "[Issue Bot]", // Prefix to use when creating issues
"annotations": [{ // List of annotations
"name": "NOTE",
"label": "notes",
"color": "green"
"name": "FIXME",
"label": "fixme",
"color": "red"
"name": "TODO",
"label": "todos",
"color": "magenta"
"name": "BUG",
"label": "bug",
"color": "white.bgRed"
"name": "OPTIMIZE",
"label": "enhancements",
"color": "blue"
"name": "HACK",
"label": "need help",
"color": "yellow"
"name": "XXX",
"label": "need help",
"color": "black.bgYellow"
"name": "CUSTOM",
"label": ["my custom github label", "amazing", "hard"],
"color": "grey"
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --source [dir] root directory to be included only for checks (default: current working directory)
-x, --patterns [dir] Path patterns to exclude (default: include all files and directories)
-e, --encoding [type] file encoding to be scanned (default: utf8)
-i, --include [dir] Path patterns to include only (default: include all files and directories). Note that include patterns will overwrite any exclude patterns
-l, --line-length <n> number of max characters a line (default: 1000)
-h, --ignore-hidden <n> ignore hidden files (default: false)
-g, --git-ignore <n> ignore patterns from your .gitignore file. This paramter accepts the path for the .gitIgnore file (default: false | no .gitignore is read
-u, --github_username github username with push rights to the current repository
-p, --github_password github password
-a, --annotations[array] array of annotations
-r, --prefix Prefix to use when creating issues
You can create your own custom annotations by adding them to the .fixme-to-issue file, you need to add an object containting:
- name: name of the custom annotation, and then the program will look for this "annotation name" in your code
- label: the issues will be created and use this github label, it can be a string or an array of labels
- color: The color in the console output, it has to be a chalk color
"name": "CUSTOM",
"label": "custom github label",
"color": "green"