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TheRealAmazonKendra committed Sep 12, 2022
1 parent 5860c66 commit abdd62e
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Showing 122 changed files with 13,930 additions and 1,250 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
import { IsCompleteResponse, OnEventResponse } from '@aws-cdk/custom-resources/lib/provider-framework/types';
import { EksClient, ResourceEvent, ResourceHandler } from './common';
export declare class ClusterResourceHandler extends ResourceHandler {
get clusterName(): string;
private readonly newProps;
private readonly oldProps;
constructor(eks: EksClient, event: ResourceEvent);
protected onCreate(): Promise<OnEventResponse>;
protected isCreateComplete(): Promise<IsCompleteResponse>;
protected onDelete(): Promise<OnEventResponse>;
protected isDeleteComplete(): Promise<IsCompleteResponse>;
protected onUpdate(): Promise<OnEventResponse | {
EksUpdateId: string | undefined;
} | undefined>;
protected isUpdateComplete(): Promise<IsCompleteResponse>;
private updateClusterVersion;
private isActive;
private isEksUpdateComplete;
private generateClusterName;

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@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
/* eslint-disable no-console */

// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import { IsCompleteResponse, OnEventResponse } from '@aws-cdk/custom-resources/lib/provider-framework/types';
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies
import * as aws from 'aws-sdk';
import { EksClient, ResourceEvent, ResourceHandler } from './common';


export class ClusterResourceHandler extends ResourceHandler {
public get clusterName() {
if (!this.physicalResourceId) {
throw new Error('Cannot determine cluster name without physical resource ID');

return this.physicalResourceId;

private readonly newProps: aws.EKS.CreateClusterRequest;
private readonly oldProps: Partial<aws.EKS.CreateClusterRequest>;

constructor(eks: EksClient, event: ResourceEvent) {
super(eks, event);

this.newProps = parseProps(this.event.ResourceProperties);
this.oldProps = event.RequestType === 'Update' ? parseProps(event.OldResourceProperties) : {};

// ------
// ------

protected async onCreate(): Promise<OnEventResponse> {
console.log('onCreate: creating cluster with options:', JSON.stringify(this.newProps, undefined, 2));
if (!this.newProps.roleArn) {
throw new Error('"roleArn" is required');

const clusterName = || this.generateClusterName();

const resp = await this.eks.createCluster({
name: clusterName,

if (!resp.cluster) {
throw new Error(`Error when trying to create cluster ${clusterName}: CreateCluster returned without cluster information`);

return {

protected async isCreateComplete() {
return this.isActive();

// ------
// ------

protected async onDelete(): Promise<OnEventResponse> {
console.log(`onDelete: deleting cluster ${this.clusterName}`);
try {
await this.eks.deleteCluster({ name: this.clusterName });
} catch (e) {
if (e.code !== 'ResourceNotFoundException') {
throw e;
} else {
console.log(`cluster ${this.clusterName} not found, idempotently succeeded`);
return {
PhysicalResourceId: this.clusterName,

protected async isDeleteComplete(): Promise<IsCompleteResponse> {
console.log(`isDeleteComplete: waiting for cluster ${this.clusterName} to be deleted`);

try {
const resp = await this.eks.describeCluster({ name: this.clusterName });
console.log('describeCluster returned:', JSON.stringify(resp, undefined, 2));
} catch (e) {
if (e.code === 'ResourceNotFoundException') {
console.log('received ResourceNotFoundException, this means the cluster has been deleted (or never existed)');
return { IsComplete: true };

console.log('describeCluster error:', e);
throw e;

return {
IsComplete: false,

// ------
// ------

protected async onUpdate() {
const updates = analyzeUpdate(this.oldProps, this.newProps);
console.log('onUpdate:', JSON.stringify({ updates }, undefined, 2));

// updates to encryption config is not supported
if (updates.updateEncryption) {
throw new Error('Cannot update cluster encryption configuration');

// if there is an update that requires replacement, go ahead and just create
// a new cluster with the new config. The old cluster will automatically be
// deleted by cloudformation upon success.
if (updates.replaceName || updates.replaceRole || updates.replaceVpc) {

// if we are replacing this cluster and the cluster has an explicit
// physical name, the creation of the new cluster will fail with "there is
// already a cluster with that name". this is a common behavior for
// CloudFormation resources that support specifying a physical name.
if ( === && {
throw new Error(`Cannot replace cluster "${}" since it has an explicit physical name. Either rename the cluster or remove the "name" configuration`);

return this.onCreate();

// if a version update is required, issue the version update
if (updates.updateVersion) {
if (!this.newProps.version) {
throw new Error(`Cannot remove cluster version configuration. Current version is ${this.oldProps.version}`);

return this.updateClusterVersion(this.newProps.version);

if (updates.updateLogging || updates.updateAccess) {
const config: aws.EKS.UpdateClusterConfigRequest = {
name: this.clusterName,
logging: this.newProps.logging,
if (updates.updateAccess) {
// Updating the cluster with securityGroupIds and subnetIds (as specified in the warning here:
// will fail, therefore we take only the access fields explicitly
config.resourcesVpcConfig = {
endpointPrivateAccess: this.newProps.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess,
endpointPublicAccess: this.newProps.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPublicAccess,
publicAccessCidrs: this.newProps.resourcesVpcConfig.publicAccessCidrs,
const updateResponse = await this.eks.updateClusterConfig(config);

return { EksUpdateId: updateResponse.update?.id };

// no updates

protected async isUpdateComplete() {

// if this is an EKS update, we will monitor the update event itself
if (this.event.EksUpdateId) {
const complete = await this.isEksUpdateComplete(this.event.EksUpdateId);
if (!complete) {
return { IsComplete: false };

// fall through: if the update is done, we simply delegate to isActive()
// in order to extract attributes and state from the cluster itself, which
// is supposed to be in an ACTIVE state after the update is complete.

return this.isActive();

private async updateClusterVersion(newVersion: string) {
console.log(`updating cluster version to ${newVersion}`);

// update-cluster-version will fail if we try to update to the same version,
// so skip in this case.
const cluster = (await this.eks.describeCluster({ name: this.clusterName })).cluster;
if (cluster?.version === newVersion) {
console.log(`cluster already at version ${cluster.version}, skipping version update`);

const updateResponse = await this.eks.updateClusterVersion({ name: this.clusterName, version: newVersion });
return { EksUpdateId: updateResponse.update?.id };

private async isActive(): Promise<IsCompleteResponse> {
console.log('waiting for cluster to become ACTIVE');
const resp = await this.eks.describeCluster({ name: this.clusterName });
console.log('describeCluster result:', JSON.stringify(resp, undefined, 2));
const cluster = resp.cluster;

// if cluster is undefined (shouldnt happen) or status is not ACTIVE, we are
// not complete. note that the custom resource provider framework forbids
// returning attributes (Data) if isComplete is false.
if (cluster?.status === 'FAILED') {
// not very informative, unfortunately the response doesn't contain any error
// information :\
throw new Error('Cluster is in a FAILED status');
} else if (cluster?.status !== 'ACTIVE') {
return {
IsComplete: false,
} else {
return {
IsComplete: true,
Data: {
Endpoint: cluster.endpoint,
Arn: cluster.arn,

// IMPORTANT: CFN expects that attributes will *always* have values,
// so return an empty string in case the value is not defined.
// Otherwise, CFN will throw with `Vendor response doesn't contain
// XXXX key`.

CertificateAuthorityData: cluster.certificateAuthority?.data ?? '',
ClusterSecurityGroupId: cluster.resourcesVpcConfig?.clusterSecurityGroupId ?? '',
OpenIdConnectIssuerUrl: cluster.identity?.oidc?.issuer ?? '',
OpenIdConnectIssuer: cluster.identity?.oidc?.issuer?.substring(8) ?? '', // Strips off https:// from the issuer url

// We can safely return the first item from encryption configuration array, because it has a limit of 1 item
EncryptionConfigKeyArn: cluster.encryptionConfig?.shift()?.provider?.keyArn ?? '',

private async isEksUpdateComplete(eksUpdateId: string) {
this.log({ isEksUpdateComplete: eksUpdateId });

const describeUpdateResponse = await this.eks.describeUpdate({
name: this.clusterName,
updateId: eksUpdateId,

this.log({ describeUpdateResponse });

if (!describeUpdateResponse.update) {
throw new Error(`unable to describe update with id "${eksUpdateId}"`);

switch (describeUpdateResponse.update.status) {
case 'InProgress':
return false;
case 'Successful':
return true;
case 'Failed':
case 'Cancelled':
throw new Error(`cluster update id "${eksUpdateId}" failed with errors: ${JSON.stringify(describeUpdateResponse.update.errors)}`);
throw new Error(`unknown status "${describeUpdateResponse.update.status}" for update id "${eksUpdateId}"`);

private generateClusterName() {
const suffix = this.requestId.replace(/-/g, ''); // 32 chars
const offset = MAX_CLUSTER_NAME_LEN - suffix.length - 1;
const prefix = this.logicalResourceId.slice(0, offset > 0 ? offset : 0);
return `${prefix}-${suffix}`;

function parseProps(props: any): aws.EKS.CreateClusterRequest {

const parsed = props?.Config ?? {};

// this is weird but these boolean properties are passed by CFN as a string, and we need them to be booleanic for the SDK.
// Otherwise it fails with 'Unexpected Parameter: params.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess is expected to be a boolean'

if (typeof (parsed.resourcesVpcConfig?.endpointPrivateAccess) === 'string') {
parsed.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess = parsed.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess === 'true';

if (typeof (parsed.resourcesVpcConfig?.endpointPublicAccess) === 'string') {
parsed.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPublicAccess = parsed.resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPublicAccess === 'true';

if (typeof (parsed.logging?.clusterLogging[0].enabled) === 'string') {
parsed.logging.clusterLogging[0].enabled = parsed.logging.clusterLogging[0].enabled === 'true';

return parsed;


interface UpdateMap {
replaceName: boolean; // name
replaceVpc: boolean; // resourcesVpcConfig.subnetIds and securityGroupIds
replaceRole: boolean; // roleArn

updateVersion: boolean; // version
updateLogging: boolean; // logging
updateEncryption: boolean; // encryption (cannot be updated)
updateAccess: boolean; // resourcesVpcConfig.endpointPrivateAccess and endpointPublicAccess

function analyzeUpdate(oldProps: Partial<aws.EKS.CreateClusterRequest>, newProps: aws.EKS.CreateClusterRequest): UpdateMap {
console.log('old props: ', JSON.stringify(oldProps));
console.log('new props: ', JSON.stringify(newProps));

const newVpcProps = newProps.resourcesVpcConfig || {};
const oldVpcProps = oldProps.resourcesVpcConfig || {};

const oldPublicAccessCidrs = new Set(oldVpcProps.publicAccessCidrs ?? []);
const newPublicAccessCidrs = new Set(newVpcProps.publicAccessCidrs ?? []);
const newEnc = newProps.encryptionConfig || {};
const oldEnc = oldProps.encryptionConfig || {};

return {
replaceName: !==,
JSON.stringify(newVpcProps.subnetIds) !== JSON.stringify(oldVpcProps.subnetIds) ||
JSON.stringify(newVpcProps.securityGroupIds) !== JSON.stringify(oldVpcProps.securityGroupIds),
newVpcProps.endpointPrivateAccess !== oldVpcProps.endpointPrivateAccess ||
newVpcProps.endpointPublicAccess !== oldVpcProps.endpointPublicAccess ||
!setsEqual(newPublicAccessCidrs, oldPublicAccessCidrs),
replaceRole: newProps.roleArn !== oldProps.roleArn,
updateVersion: newProps.version !== oldProps.version,
updateEncryption: JSON.stringify(newEnc) !== JSON.stringify(oldEnc),
updateLogging: JSON.stringify(newProps.logging) !== JSON.stringify(oldProps.logging),

function setsEqual(first: Set<string>, second: Set<string>) {
return first.size === second.size || [...first].every((e: string) => second.has(e));

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