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Create munge key ssm parameter if it doesn't already exist (#22)
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Required by slurm cluster instances to communicate with each other securely.

Resolves [bug #21](#21)
  • Loading branch information
cartalla authored May 13, 2022
1 parent 76f031d commit acff722
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Showing 3 changed files with 33 additions and 215 deletions.
26 changes: 24 additions & 2 deletions source/cdk/
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Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@
from os import path
from os.path import dirname, realpath
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
import subprocess
from subprocess import check_output
import sys
from sys import exit
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1608,13 +1610,33 @@ def get_instance_template_vars(self, instance_role):
return instance_template_vars

def create_slurmctl(self):
if self.config['slurm']['MungeKeySsmParameter']:
ssm_client = boto3.client('ssm', region_name=self.config['Region'])
response = ssm_client.describe_parameters(
ParameterFilters = [
'Key': 'Name',
'Option': 'Equals',
'Values': [self.config['slurm']['MungeKeySsmParameter']]
if response:"{self.config['slurm']['MungeKeySsmParameter']} SSM parameter exists and will be used.")
self.munge_key_ssm_parameter = ssm.StringParameter.from_string_parameter_name(
self, f"MungeKeySsmParamter",
string_parameter_name = f"{self.config['slurm']['MungeKeySsmParameter']}"
self.munge_key_ssm_parameter = None"{self.config['slurm']['MungeKeySsmParameter']} SSM parameter doesn't exist. Creating it so can give IAM permissions to it.")
output = check_output(['dd if=/dev/random bs=1 count=1024 | base64 -w 0'], shell=True, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, encoding='utf8', errors='ignore')
munge_key = output.split('\n')[0]
# print(f"output\n{output}")
# print(f"munge_key:\n{munge_key}")
self.munge_key_ssm_parameter = ssm.StringParameter(
self, f"MungeKeySsmParamter",
parameter_name = f"{self.config['slurm']['MungeKeySsmParameter']}",
string_value = f"{munge_key}"

self.slurmctl_role = iam.Role(self, "SlurmCtlRole",
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion source/cdk/
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'slurm': {
Optional('SlurmVersion', default='21.08.8'): str,
Optional('ClusterName'): str,
Optional('MungeKeySsmParameter', default='/slurm/munge_key'): str,
Optional('MungeKeySsmParameter', default='/slurm/munge_key'): str, # Will be created if it doesn't exist.
'SlurmCtl': {
Optional('NumberOfControllers', default=1): And(Use(int), lambda n: 1 <= n <= 3),
Optional('BaseHostname', default='slurmctl'): str,
Expand Down
220 changes: 8 additions & 212 deletions source/resources/config/default_config.yml
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@@ -1,173 +1,31 @@
# Sample configuraton that creates a minimal Slurm cluster
# Shows all available configuration options
# Note that CentOS 8 has been discontinued and support has been removed.
# Uses arm64 architecture for SlurmCtl and SlurmDbd by default.
# No SlurmDbd in this configuration.

termination_protection: True # Enable (recommended) or Disable Cloudformation Stack termination protection

# Parameters that must be in the config file or on the command line.
# Command line values override values in the config file.
StackName: slurmminimal
#Region: us-east-1
#SshKeyPair: name of your ec2 keypair
#VpcId: vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# SubnetId:
# Optional. If not specified then the first private subnet is chosen.
#SubnetId: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # PrivateSubnet1
#SubnetId: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # PrivateSubnet2
#SubnetId: subnet-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx # PrivateSubnet3

# This is optional, but highly recommended
#ErrorSnsTopicArn: arn:aws:sns:{{region}}:{AccountId}:{TopicName}

# Required Parameters
# Defaults and valid configuration options are in source/

# Domain: Optional
# Domain name for the Route 53 private hosted zone that will be used
# by the slurm cluster for DNS.
# By default will be {StackName}.local
# Alternately, provide HostedZoneId of an existing Route53 hosted zone to use.
# Cannot specify both Domain and HostedZoneId.
# Domain: "{{StackName}}.local"

# HostedZoneId: Optional
# ID of an existing hosted zone that will be used by the slurm cluster for DNS.
# Alternately, provide Domain name to use for a new Route53 hosted zone to use.
# Cannot specify both Domain and HostedZoneId.
# HostedZoneId:

TimeZone: 'US/Central'
StackName: slurmminimal

# High level configuration

SlurmVersion: "21.08.5"

# ClusterName:
# Optional
# Must be unique if multiple clusters deployed in the same VPC.
# Default: StackName
# ClusterName: slurm

# MungeKeySsmParameter
# SSM String Parameter with a base64 encoded munge key to use for the cluster.
# Use this if your submitters need to use more than 1 cluster.
#MungeKeySsmParameter: "/slurm/munge_key"

# For high availability configure multiple controllers
NumberOfControllers: 1
# The index will be appended to BaseHostname starting with 1.
BaseHostname: slurmctl

# architecture: x86_64 or arm64
#architecture: x86_64
#instance_type: "c5.large"
architecture: arm64
instance_type: "c6g.large"
volume_size: 200 # Size of the EBS root disk

# SuspendAction
# Set to stop or terminate.
# Stopped nodes will restart quicker, but you will continue to be charged for the EBS volumes
# attached to the instance.
SuspendAction: stop
# MaxStoppedDuration
# In ISO 8601 duration format:
# Default: 1 hour = P0Y0M0DT1H0M0S
# Evaluated at least hourly
MaxStoppedDuration: P0Y0M0DT1H0M0S

CloudWatchPeriod: 5 # Cloudwatch metric collection period in minutes. Default value is 5. Set to 1 for finer resolution.
# Also used in the dashboard widgets.

# The accounting database is required to enable fairshare scheduling
# It is managed by the Slurm Database Daemon (slurmdbd) instance
# This instance can be created as part of the cluster or can use an existing instance.
# SlurmDbd:
# # It is recommended to get the basic cluster configured and working before enabling the accounting database
# UseSlurmDbd: False

# # Hostname:
# # Hostname of the slurmdbd instance if CreateSlurmdbd is true.
# Hostname: slurmdbd

# # architecture: x86_64 or arm64
# #architecture: x86_64
# #instance_type: "m5.large"
# architecture: arm64
# instance_type: "m6g.large"
# volume_size: 200 # Size of the EBS root disk

# database:
# port: 3306

# Federation:
# Name: slurmeda
# SlurmCtlSecurityGroups:
# SecurityGroupName: sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

x86_64: m5.large
arm64: m6g.large

# Customized AMIs with file system mounts, packages, etc. configured.
# If these aren't defined then the generic base AMIs are used.
# Example in the comment below is the AWS FPGA Developer AMI
# us-east-1:
# Amazon: {2: {x86_64: {ImageId: ami-0efdec76678df9a64, RootDeviceSize: '+5'}}}
# CentOS: {7: {x86_64: {ImageId: ami-02155c6289e76719a, RootDeviceSize: 90}}}

# External security groups that should be able to use the cluster
# SubmitterSecurityGroupIds:
# soca-ComputeNodeSG: sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

# SubmitterInstanceTags:
# 'soca:ClusterId': ['soca-xyz']
SlurmCtl: {}

# InstanceConfig:
# Configure the instances used by the cluster
# A partition will be created for each combination of Base OS, Architecture, and Spot
# UseSpot:
# Create both on-demand and spot nodes
# Default: true
# DefaultPartition:
# By default this will be the first OS/Architecture listed in BaseOsArchitecture.
# Add '_spot' to the end to make spot the default purchase option.
# NodesPerInstanceType:
# The number of nodes that will be defined for each instance type.
# Include*/Exclude*:
# Instance families and types are regular expressions with implicit '^' and '$' at the begining and end.
# Exclude patterns are processed first and take precedence over any includes.
# A empty list is the same as '.*'.
# MaxSizeOnly: If MaxSizeOnly is True then only the largest instance type in
# a family will be included unless specific instance types are included.
# Default: false
UseSpot: true
DefaultPartition: AlmaLinux_8_arm64_spot
NodesPerInstanceType: 10
AlmaLinux: {8: [x86_64, arm64]}
# Amazon: {2: [x86_64, arm64]}
7: [x86_64]
# Amazon: {2: [x86_64, arm64]}
# RedHat:
# 7: [x86_64]
# 8: [x86_64, arm64]
# Rocky: {8: [x86_64, arm64]}
MaxSizeOnly: false
Expand All @@ -180,68 +38,6 @@ slurm:
- '.+\.(micro|nano)' # Not enough memory
- '.*\.metal'

# ElasticSearch:
# Configure the ElasticSearch/OpenSearch domain used by the slurm cluster
# If not specified then won't be created or used by the cluster.
# master_nodes: Defaults to 0
# data_nodes: Must be a multiple of number_of_azs
# ElasticSearch:
# ebs_volume_size: 20
# ebs_volume_type: GP2
# enable_version_upgrade: False
# number_of_azs: 2
# master_nodes: 3
# master_node_instance_type:
# data_nodes: 2
# data_node_instance_type:
# warm_nodes: 0
# warm_instance_type:

# JobCompType:
# Values:
# jobcomp/none
# jobcomp/elasticsearch
# jobcomp/filetxt
JobCompType: jobcomp/filetxt
# JobCompLoc:
# Used with jobcomp/elasticsearch
# A complete URL endpoint with format <host>:<port>/<target>/_doc
#JobCompLoc: http://{{EsDomain}}.{{Region}}

# Configure your Storage options below
# @todo support fsxn, test if efs will gate scaling of the cluster
# mount_path:
# Default is /opt/slurm/{{cluster_name}}
#mount_path: ""
provider: "efs" # efs or lustre
removal_policy : "DESTROY" # DESTROY, RETAIN, SNAPSHOT. Choices: RETAIN will preserve the EFS even if you delete the stack. Any other value will delete EFS if you delete the CFN stack
use_efs_helper: false
throughput_mode: "BURSTING" # Choices: BURSTING, PROVISIONED
# provisioned_throughput_per_second: 1 # In MiB/s. Minimum value of 1
performance_mode: "GENERAL_PURPOSE" # Choices: GENERAL_PURPOSE, MAX_IO
encrypted: True #
lifecycle_policy: "AFTER_30_DAYS" #
deployment_type: "SCRATCH_2" # Allowed values: PERSISTENT_1 | SCRATCH_1 | SCRATCH_2.
drive_cache_type: "NONE" # Allowed values: NONE | READ. Required when storage_type is HDD.
per_unit_storage_throughput: 50 # Allowed values: 12, 40 for HDD, 50, 100, 200 for SSD. Required for the PERSISTENT_1 deployment_type.
storage_capacity: 1200 # For SCRATCH_2 and PERSISTENT_1 types, valid values are 1,200, 2,400, then continuing in increments of 2,400 GiB. For SCRATCH_1 deployment types, valid values are 1,200, 2,400, 3,600, then continuing in increments of 3,600 GiB.
storage_type: "SSD" # Allowed values: SSD or HDD.

# ExtraMounts
# Additional mounts for compute nodes
# This examle shows SOCA EFS file systems.
# This is required so the compute node as the same file structure as the remote desktops.
# - dest: /apps
# src:
# type: nfs4
# options: nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport
# - dest: /data
# src:
# type: nfs4
# options: nfsvers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,hard,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport
provider: zfs
zfs: {} # This causes the defaults from the schema to be applied.

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