This repo shows how to use the ECR image scanning feature for a scheduled re-scan, that is, scanning images on a regular basis. We will walk you through the setup and usage of this demo.
In order to build and deploy the service, clone this repo and make sure you've got the following available, locally:
Additionally, having jq installed it recommended.
Preparing the S3 buckets (make sure that you pick different names for the ECR_SCAN_*
export ECR_SCAN_SVC_BUCKET=ecr-continuous-scan-svc
export ECR_SCAN_CONFIG_BUCKET=ecr-continuous-scan-config
aws s3api create-bucket \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$(aws configure get region) \
--region $(aws configure get region)
aws s3api create-bucket \
--create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$(aws configure get region) \
--region $(aws configure get region)
Make sure that you have the newest Go SDK installed,
supporting the image scanning feature. In addition, you need to go get
as the one other dependency outside of the standard library. Then execute:
make deploy
which will build the binaries and deploy the Lambda functions.
You're now ready to use the demo.
The overall architecture of the demo is as follows:
There are four Lambda functions and an S3 buckets to hold the scan configurations involved.
The HTTP API is made up of the following three Lambda functions:
handles the management of scan configs, allowing you to store, list, and delete them.SummaryFunc
provides a summary of the scan findings across all scan configs.FindingsFunc
provides a detailed Atom feed of the scan findings per scan config.
In addition, there is a StartScanFunc
that is triggered by a CloudWatch event, kicking off the image scan.
To specify which repositories should be re-scanned on a regular basis, one has to provide a scan configuration.
This scan configuration has three required fields, region
, registry
(your AWS account ID), and
the repository
"region": "us-west-2",
"registry": "123456789012",
"repository": "amazonlinux",
"tags": [
Note that tags
is optional and if not provided, all tags of the repository
will be scanned.
The following HTTP API is exposed:
Scan configurations:
GET configs/
… lists all registered scan configurations, returns JSONPOST configs/
… adds a scan configuration, returns scan IDDELETE configs/{scanid}
… removes a registered scan configuration by scan ID or404
if it doesn't exist
Scan findings:
GET summary/
… provides high-level summary of findings across all registered scan configurationsGET findings/{scanid}
… provides detailed findings on a scan configuration bases, returns an Atom feed
The following walkthrough assumes that the ECR repositories have been set up
(using aws ecr create-repository
) and the container images have been pushed to
the repositories, accordingly.
First, in order to interact with the HTTP API, capture the base URL in an environment variable ECRSCANAPI_URL
like so:
export ECRSCANAPI_URL=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ecr-continuous-scan | jq '.Stacks[].Outputs[] | select(.OutputKey=="ECRScanAPIEndpoint").OutputValue' -r)
Now, add some scan configurations (part of this repo):
curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data @scan-config-amazonlinux.json $ECRSCANAPI_URL/configs/
curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data @scan-config-centos.json $ECRSCANAPI_URL/configs/
curl -s --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data @scan-config-ubuntu.json $ECRSCANAPI_URL/configs/
List all registered scan configurations:
$ curl $ECRSCANAPI_URL/configs/
"id": "4471c156-29f5-40fe-883b-3cd26738d5a6",
"created": "1569927812",
"region": "us-west-2",
"registry": "123456789012",
"repository": "amazonlinux",
"tags": [
"id": "612fccea-9545-45d0-8feb-cdc20c4c3061",
"created": "1569927820",
"region": "us-west-2",
"registry": "123456789012",
"repository": "test/centos",
"tags": null
"id": "fc41dda8-f15e-4826-8908-11603b01dac4",
"created": "1569927828",
"region": "us-west-2",
"registry": "123456789012",
"repository": "test/ubuntu",
"tags": [
Get an overview of the scan result findings across the registered scan configurations:
$ curl $ECRSCANAPI_URL/summary
Results for amazonlinux:2018.03 in us-west-2:
Results for test/centos:7 in us-west-2:
LOW: 7
Results for test/ubuntu:16.04 in us-west-2:
LOW: 24
Results for test/ubuntu:latest in us-west-2:
LOW: 13
Get a detailed feed of findings for test/ubuntu
(with scan ID fc41dda8-f15e-4826-8908-11603b01dac4
$ curl $ECRSCANAPI_URL/findings/fc41dda8-f15e-4826-8908-11603b01dac4
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<feed xmlns="">
<title>ECR repository test/ubuntu in us-west-2</title>
<subtitle>Details of the image scan findings across the tags: [16.04] [latest] </subtitle>
<link href=""></link>
<title>[MEDIUM] in image test/ubuntu:16.04 found CVE-2016-1585</title>
<link href="" rel="alternate"></link>
<summary type="html">In all versions of AppArmor mount rules are accidentally widened when compiled.</summary>
The Atom feeds can be consumed in a feed reader, for example:
You can remove scan configs like so:
curl --request DELETE $ECRSCANAPI_URL/configs/4471c156-29f5-40fe-883b-3cd26738d5a6