Created by: Hayley Davis, Brooke Hewitt, and Ashley Whitehouse
SustainaBottle accepts input from the user in how many oz, mL, or L of water they have consumed since their last entry in the app, and the app keeps track of this information. In the Main Menu, the number of plastic water bottles you saved in total is shown, so that you can see the positive environmental impact that you, personally, are having on the world.
In the Stats menu, you can see how much water you have consumed on the current day. A daily goal of 8 cups encourages healthy water drinking habits. There are also multiple achievements to obtain that make drinking water a fun and rewarding experience--literally!
In the Settings menu, SustainaBottle accepts a phone number and a time you want to remember to refill your reusable water bottle. The app then uses Twilio to send you a reminder notification at this exact time. No more forgetting to refill your water bottle!