Basic Module:
- Setup scripts for new terminal, installing zsh, git.
- Install Docker and clone the dockerfile base
Python Expansion:
- Install vscode/atom/sublime (other code editors will be supported later)
- Install Anaconda and all relevant packages in python.
Data Expansion:
- Install CUDA and OpenCL and DL and RL frameworks.
Robotics Expansion:
- Install ROS and Gazebo for robotics
- Have multiple modes on the laptop. (Eg. Coding mode where github, gitlab, slack, trello, vscode is launched, Relax mode has youtube or a book suggestion or an interesting read that shows up, or news.)
- Vim
- git
- Anaconda
- tmux
- zsh
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Matplotlib
- Tensorflow
- Keras
- Caffe
- OpenAI
- Gazebo
- Package groups for specific tasks. (eg. Ruby, Flask, Django for Web Dev)
- Make a GUI for easier intallation
- End-to-end installation code.
- Install Docker