Within the folders we describe each customisation for the cluster and the products that are deployed on it.
cluster links:
The cluster folder contains all available clusters.
In the kustomization.yaml
for each cluster we describe all the products with the declared permission level on the cluster.
Please add the new product-teams in alphabetical order of file kustomization.yaml
based on their permission level.
- ../../argocd/product-example/read-write
- ../../argocd/product-example/read-only
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
# Mapping of all products on this cluster and its permission level here in example for read-only permissions
- ../../argocd/product-example/read-only
# - ../../argocd/product-example/read-write would it be for only read-write permissions
If there are special ressource variables for a product on the cluster we overwrite this within this folder cluster/<environment>/argocd-resource-patches
e.g Jwt token for product traceability-irs in int environment
- argocd-resource-patches/project-traceability-irs.yaml