This repository contains all necessary parts to onboard a Catena-X product to consortia environments.
The argocd folder contains all available product resource files.
The cluster folder contains all available clusters, in the cluster/<CLUSTERNAME>/kustomization.yaml
we describe each product that is deployed in the cluster based on their permission level.
More Information can be found under argocd
We are providing all GitHub repositorys and GitHub organisation teams via a Terraform Script terraform.tfvars.
Description of the to be added GitHub teams / GitHub repositories / GitHub repository-teams-mapping can be found in github/terraform.tfvars
if we want to create a new Repo/Team/Mapping we need to add all the following:
- new GitHub Repository
- new GitHub Team
- new Mapping between GitHub Repository and GitHub Team
More information can be found under the github
We are providing all product-teams Vault access with their Secrets Engine where they can store their own Key/Value pairs based on the gh-product-team-name
The new product Vault that has to be added can be found in vault/terraform.tfvars
More information and ressource description can be found under vault
folder: README
- New product resources are listed in the Argo Cd folder, and here we declare read-only resources and read-write resources.
- Our clusters are listed under cluster folder, and in each kustomization.yml we define the products that are deployed on the specific cluster.
- But based on the reference in we declare on the cluster
the resources will be provided on the cluster. - GiHub folder is for new product-team GitHub team / repository / and the mapping between
- Vault folder is for new vault resources for the new product
- product-example within argocd
- cluster membership
in devsecops-testing kustomization.yml- product has read-write permission on the devsecops-testing cluster
- but will also get the read-only "base" resources in the read-only folder kustomization.yml
- because of referencing the read-only parts in read-write folder of the product-example
- see
bases: ../base-read-only
in read-write kustomization.yml- related GitHub information you can find in Terraform variables in github folder
- related Vault information you can find in Terraform variables in vault folder
Our current environments are running in Azure Cloud based on Azure Kubernetes Service and were managed or deployed with Terraform scripts. The following Tools are required to run these scripts.
Using our Azure Subscription you have to be invited to our Subscription and installed Azure CLI. Links to our Subscription ()
You have to be invited to our Azure Subscription on Azure-Portal
az login --tenant <Catena-X-TenantID>
az account set --subscription <SubscriptionID>
terraform -install-autocomplete
is available if you need
Following new product specific files have to be added:
- add the new product within Argo Cd folder
- add new product GitHub repository, team, repository-teams-mapping within GitHub folder
- add new product Vault under Vault folder
- add new product entry in
under cluster folder based on the cluster environment and the permission level
Hint: scripting with Terraform, at first terraform has to be initialized
For terraform plan
command, CLI variables have to be set which are described in each folder
As an Agreement of The System Team we do our changes within separate branches.
If your Terraform plans will show your added new product information create a PR for <your-branch>
into main
After the PR has been approved and merged into main branch, the new team will be
automatically deployed to cluster environment (via ArgoCD application over the _<ENVIRONMENT>-config_
at Argo CD within the _CORE_
Only after the merge in GitHub and the
terraform apply
have been done, the terraform state is consistent, otherwise changes which are applied in parallel by someone else might be deleted again.
Validation can be done under ArgoCD based on the target environment