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🔥 HF Daily Reviews by @doomgrad

Welcome to the reviews repository for HF Daily Papers! This project gathers insights and reviews of machine learning and AI research papers, and presents them in a creative and informative manner via Claude, GPT-4o, FLUX and others.


🔺 @doomgrad


  • 📚 Classification by topics
  • 📅 Sorting by publication date and HF addition date
  • 🔄 Syncing every 2 hours
  • 💻 Hosted on GitHub
  • 🌏 English, Russian, and Chinese
  • 📈 Top by week/month (in progress)

GitHub Actions Deployment

The project is deployed automatically using GitHub Actions with the following workflow:

  • Workflow Name: Issue Doomgrad Paper Review
  • Trigger: The workflow runs every 2 hours (cron: "0 */2 * * *") and can also be triggered manually.
  • Jobs:
    • Checkout Repository Content: The repository content is checked out using actions/checkout@v2.
    • Set Up Python: Python 3.9 is set up using actions/setup-python@v2.
    • Install Dependencies: Required dependencies are installed using pip install -r requirements.txt.
    • Run Python Script: The script is executed to generate the reviews.
    • Commit Changes: The changes are committed with a timestamped message.
    • Push Changes: The changes are pushed back to the GitHub repository.

This automation ensures that the reviews are always up-to-date and available for the audience without manual intervention.

The generated HTML page is deployed at, allowing users to browse the reviews easily.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify it as needed.

Enjoy exploring the world of machine learning papers with our unique, creatively generated reviews! Stay tuned and keep learning! 💾🛠️🧠


Top ML papers of the week.






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