First we need to write a Dockerfile which is able to fetch and build the project:
FROM fedora:23
RUN dnf install -y git
# this is the private key you DON'T want to get leaked
COPY id_rsa /
# just for the demo; we are not using the key actually
RUN git clone /project && \
cd /project && \
python3 ./ build
# make clean would make sense here
Let's get the key:
cp -a ~/.ssh/id_rsa id_rsa
and don't forget to blacklist the key in .gitignore
printf "id_rsa\n" >.gitignore
Build time!
docker build --tag=build-image .
We can copy the build artifact from build container now:
docker create --name=build-container build-image cat
docker cp build-container:/project ./build-artifact
You are free to inspect and post-process the artifact:
ls -lha ./build-artifact
Everything is fine? If so, let's build the final image.
docker build -f Dockerfile.release --tag=sen .
Is the key in final image?
cat ./
if docker run sen test -f /id_rsa
printf "Key is in final image!\n"
exit 2
printf "Key is not in final image.\n"
Key is not in final image
You can also run the whole example by executing
Here's a blog post about this feature.