A set of Terraform modules for working with an AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB).
Create a Network Load Balancer
module "nlb" {
source = "AustinCloudGuru/nlb/aws//module/nlb"
# You should pin the module to a specific version
#version = "X.X.X"
name = "external-nlb"
subnet_mapping = ["subnet-00000000000000000", "subnet-11111111111111111", "subnet-22222222222222222"]
enable_eip = true
internal = false
enable_deletion_protection = true
enable_cross_zone_load_balancing = true
Create a listener for an NLB.
module "nlb-eip-listener" {
source = "AustinCloudGuru/nlb/aws//module/nlb-listener"
# You should pin the module to a specific version
#version = "X.X.X"
name = "external-nlb-tg"
load_balancer_arn = module.nlb.nlb_arn
protocol = "TCP"
port = "443"
vpc_id = "vpc-11111111111111111"
Creates a Lambda job that will update an NLB listener target group with the IP addresses of an ALB. This module is based on this post and uses the AWS provided lambda
module "nlb-alb-lambda" {
source = "AustinCloudGuru/nlb/aws//module/nlb-alb-lambda"
# You should pin the module to a specific version
#version = "X.X.X"
source = "../../modules/nlb-alb-lambda"
name = "external-nlb"
alb_dns_name = "internal-alb-613746554.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com"
aws_region = "us-east-1"
nlb_tg_arn = module.nlb-eip-listener.nlb_target_group_arn
protocol = "HTTPS"
vpc_id = "vpc-11111111111111111"
force_destroy = true
Module is maintained by Mark Honomichl.
MIT Licensed. See LICENSE for full details