kbskit is a framework to generate TclkitLite executables, compile Tcl packages and build kit files for different operating systems. Initially by Rene Zaumseil, this fork was updated by Christian Gollwitzer (auriocus) to the recent versions of Tcl/Tk and tested under macOS 10.13
After cloning, execute kbs.tcl:
./kbs.tcl -r install kbskit8.6
If you want a full kbskit (single file executable with many packages), run:
./kbs.tcl -r install __
For parallel builds, prefix your invocation with
where 4 is the number of cpu cores, for example.
In order to build vtk7.1, e.g., first compile tcl/tk
MAKEFLAGS=-j4 ./kbs.tcl -r install tk8.6
then compile VTK
MAKEFLAGS=-j4 ./kbs.tcl -r -v install vtk7.1