Author: Alexander Steen
Input/Output (I/O) logics have been devised by D. Makinson and L. van der Torre [1] as a class of formal systems for norm-based deontic reasoning. Intuitively, they formalize the detachment process of obligations (referred to as the output) from a given set of conditional norms and a specific situation (called the input). It differs from other deontic logics (e.g., based on modal logics or extensions of it) in the sense that the norms themselves are not part of the object logic and hence do not carry truth values. Constrained I/O logic [2] extend plain I/O logics by restricting the output set to be consistent with respect to a given set of formulas, addressing deontic paradoxes such as contrary-to-duty situations and other dilemmas.
In the standard formulation, there are four different principal output operators called out1, out2, out3 and out4. out1 allows for basic detachment, out2 adds reasoning-by-cases principles, and out3 and out4 augment out1 and out2, respectively, with (cumulative) transitivity. For each operator there exists a so-called throughput variant outi+. Constrained I/O logic filter excess output that is inconsistent wrt. a set of constraints. Preferred output further filters the set of consistent outputs such that only preferred sets (wrt. to given preference relation) are returned. For details, cf. we refer to [1].
provides a TPTP-aligned [3] automated reasoning system for unconstrained and
constrained I/O logics based on the operators outi and outi+,
1 ≤ i ≤ 4. It is implemented as a Scala application and based on the
In short, the system allows you to specify a set of conditional norms and a number
of inputs (each of which describing aspects of the current situational context),
and provides automated means for inferring whether given obligations (also encoded
as formulas) can be derived. rio
can also be used to infer the set of detached
obligations instead of checking detachment of given ones. See Usage below
for details.
It is inspired by the decision procedures introduced in [5], though the actual procedures differ.
The simplest method of obtaining rio
is to download the provided .jar
file of
the most recent release from GitHub, see
You can also download the sources and build rio
When using a pre-built .jar
file, you are already done. rio
is run by
(assuming that the .jar
file is called rio.jar
and in your current working directory) ...
> java -jar rio
usage: rio [-o <operator>] [-p <parameter>] [-c <constraint>] <problem file>
In order to build rio
from sources, you need the following software/packages:
- Make
- sbt (scala build tool)
- JDK (≥ 11)
- g++
- zlib
- must (installation described below)
Unpack the source archive of rio
Download must
from and extract
the contents of the archive into a folder called mustool
(important!) as top-level directory within the rio
folder. Your rio
folder should now look like this (only directories shown):
├── contrib
├── examples
├── mustool
├── project
└── src
Run make
. If no error occurs, there should be a bin
directory containing the rio.jar
file. Also, there is a convenience executable rio
that just wraps the jar file with shell run script.
requires a Java runtime environment (JRE), version ≥ 11, to be run. Older java versions
might also work, though this has not been tested. Additionally, rio
is currently only tested on
Linux as it uses a shared PicoSAT library only provided for linux-x86-64 architecture. This will
be addressed soon (hopefully!).
> java -jar rio
usage: rio [-o <operator>] [-p <parameter>] [-c <constraint>] <problem file>
<problem file> can be either a file name or '-' (without parentheses) for stdin.
-o <operator>
If <problem file> does not contain a logic specification statement, explicitly set
the output operator to be assumed to <operator>.
This option is ignored, if <problem file> contains a logic specification statement.
Supported <operator>s are: out1, out2, out3, out4
-p <parameter>
Set additional parameters to the output operator.
This option is ignored, if <problem file> contains a logic specification statement.
Multiple parameters can be passed.
Supported <parameter>s are: throughput, constrained-credulous, constrained-skeptical
-c <constraint>
Pass constraints to the reasoning system. <constraint> must be a valid THF formula
(without annotations). Multiple constraints can be passed by passing multiple
respective -c options.
This option is ignored, if <problem file> contains a logic specification statement.
Constraints are ignored if neither -p constrained-credulous nor -p constrained-skeptical
was passed.
Prints the version number of the executable and terminates.
Prints this description and terminates.
The input files for rio
are plain text files according to the TPTP TFF language (typed first-order logic), though
only the propositional fragment of TFF is currently supported. The semantics of formula roles
differs from the TPTP standard (see below), and the problem needs to contain a logic specification
of the form
tff(<name>, logic, $$iol == [<parameter> == <value>, ...]).
Alternatively, semantics parameters can also be passed using command-line arguments.
gives SZS status results as follows:
- SZS status Success if the problem does not contain conjectured outputs (formulas of role
). In this case, a SZS result of type ListOfFormulae containing the finite base of the output set is given. - SZS status Theorem if the problem contains a conjectured output (a formula of role
) and the conjectured output is indeed in the output set. - SZS status CounterSatisfiable if the problem contains a conjectured output (a formula of role
) and the conjectured output is not in the output set. - If the problem contains multiple conjectures, one output (Theorem or CounterSatisfiable) is given for each conjecture.
A problem's semantics is specified using a dedicated logic
formula, as
foreseen in the currently explored extension of the TPTP library, cf. for details.
Parameter | Value | Description |
$$operator |
One of $$out1 , $$out2 , $$out3 , $$out4 |
Select the output operator (required parameter) |
$$throughput |
$true or $false |
Enable/Disable throughout (default: $false ) |
$$constrained |
$$credulous or $$skeptical |
Enable constrained output operators with credulous or skeptical net output function, respectively (default: unset) |
$$constraints |
[<list of formulas>] |
Set the constraints for constrained output. Ignored of $$constrained is not set (default: unset). |
$$preference |
[<list of name tuples>] |
A comma-separated list of tuples of the form [name1,name2,...] , where each identifier refers to the name of a norm in the problem file. Earlier norms are preferred over later norms, norms in the same tuple are equally preferred. Tuple symbols may be dropped if they are singletons. Ignored of $$constrained is not set (default: unset). |
Formula role | Description |
axiom |
TPTP formulas of role axiom specify the conditional norms. Every axiom formula needs to be an expression of the form {$$norm} @ (left,right) where both left and right are formulas. left is the body of the norm (the condition) and right is the head of the norm (the obligation). The can be arbitrarily many formulas of role axiom in a problem file (zero, too). |
hypothesis |
TPTP formulas of role hypothesis denote the inputs and are regular formulas. There can be arbitrarily many formulas of role hypothesis in the problem file (zero is ok). |
conjecture |
TPTP formulas of role conjecture denote conjectured outputs. For each conjecture , rio will check whether the formula is indeed in the output set and return a corresponding SZS result. There can be arbitrarily many formulas of role conjecture in the problem file (zero is ok). |
In order to check whether a number of obligations can actually be derived from the given set of norms and the situational context (the input), the obligations in question are specified as THF formulas of role "conjecture":
Let's say this content is stored in a file named out1.p
tff(semantics, logic, (
$$iol == [ $$operator == $$out1 ] )).
tff(norm1, axiom, {$$norm} @ ($true, helping) ).
tff(norm2, axiom, {$$norm} @ (helping, telling) ).
tff(norm3, axiom, {$$norm} @ (~helping, ~telling) ).
tff(input1, hypothesis, ~helping).
tff(c1, conjecture, ~telling).
tff(c2, conjecture, ~helping).
Then you run rio
./rio out1.p
... producing the following output:
% SZS status Theorem for src/test/resources/out1.p: c1
% SZS status CounterSatisfiable for src/test/resources/out1.p: c2
As can be seen, only one of the conjectures (only c1
) is indeed detached.
As a consequence, SZS status Theorem is given for c1
but SZS status
CounterSatisfiable is given for conjecture c2
If no conjectures are contained in the problem file, e.g., as in ...
thf(semantics, logic, (
$$iol == [ $$operator == $$out3 ] )).
thf(norm1, axiom, {$$norm} @ ($true, helping) ).
thf(norm2, axiom, {$$norm} @ (helping, telling) ).
thf(norm3, axiom, {$$norm} @ (~helping, ~telling) ).
thf(input1, hypothesis, ~helping).
will instead output a complete finite basis of detachable formulas and SZS status Success:
% SZS status Success for out3.p
% SZS output start ListOfFormulae for out3.p
% SZS output end ListOfFormulae for out3.p
A finite basis is a finite set of formulas A such that every detachable output x follows from A, i.e., A ⊧ x. This allows to have a finite representation for the infinite set of outputs. In the above case, every output x is in the output set as {⊥} ⊧ x for every x.
In the previous example (use case 2), the output set becomes too large as the input and the set of norm entail an inconsistency, known as Contrary To Duty situations in the Deontic logic community.
In the context of I/O logics, the output set can be constrained to remedy this.
This is reflected in rio
by enabling constrained I/O operations via the logic
thf(semantics, logic, (
$$iol == [ $$operator == $$out3,
$$constrained == $$credulous,
$$constraints == [~helping] ] )).
thf(norm1, axiom, {$$norm} @ ($true, helping) ).
thf(norm2, axiom, {$$norm} @ (helping, telling) ).
thf(norm3, axiom, {$$norm} @ (~helping, ~telling) ).
thf(input1, hypothesis, ~helping).
In this case, the output is constrained to be the credulous output aggregate of
all maximally consistent norm families wrt. detachment via out3
and the constraint ~helping
. See [2] for the theoretical details.
This problem file gives a consistent output set as follows:
% SZS status Success for out3-constrained.p
% SZS output start ListOfFormulae for out3-constrained.p
~ telling
% SZS output end ListOfFormulae for out3-constrained.p
In the constrained case, a preference ordering can optionally be imposed to further restrict the generated outputs.
tff(semantics, logic, (
$$iol == [ $$operator == $$out3,
$$constrained == $$credulous,
$$preference == [norm1, norm2, norm3] ] )).
tff(norm1, axiom, {$$norm} @ (heatingOn, ~windowOpen) ).
tff(norm2, axiom, {$$norm} @ ($true, windowOpen) ).
tff(norm3, axiom, {$$norm} @ ($true, heatingOn) ).
In this case, the output is constrained to be the credulous output aggregate of
all maximally consistent norm families wrt. detachment via out3
(and the empty set of constraints). Additionally, the preference ordering
name1 > name2 > name3
is declared. See [6] for details.
This problem file gives a consistent output set as follows:
% SZS status Success for examples/preferred.p
% SZS output start ListOfFormulae for examples/preferred.p
% SZS output end ListOfFormulae for examples/preferred.p
's reasoning procedure can also be invoked by adding the .jar file to
your project's classpath and calling the Reasoner.apply
method directly.
is distributed under the BSD 3-Clause license (see LICENSE file),
and uses third party libraries that are distributed under their own terms
In particular, rio
- picosat, Copyright (c) 2006 - 2014, Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University (
- MUST (mustool), Copyright (c) 2019, Jaroslav Bendik, Masaryk University (
- MiniSat (contained in MUST), Copyright (c) 2003-2006, Niklas Een, Niklas Sorensson and Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Niklas Sorensson (
[1] Makinson, D., van der Torre, L.W.N.: Input/Output Logics. J. Philosophical Logic 29(4), 383–408 (2000).
[2] Makinson, D., van der Torre, L.W.N.: Constraints for Input/Output Logics. J. Philos. Log. 30(2): 155-185 (2001).
[3] Sutcliffe, G, and Suttner, C.: The TPTP Problem Library for Automated Theorem Proving.
[4] Steen, A.: scala-tptp-parser
(Version v1.2). Zenodo, 2021. DOI:
[5] Steen, A.: Goal-Directed Decision Procedures for Input/Output Logics. In 15th International Conference on Deontic Logic and Normative Systems (DEON 2020/2021, Munich), Fenrong Liu, Alessandra Marra, Paul Portner, and Frederik Van De Putte (Eds.), College Publications, London, 2021. (to appear). See:
[6] Parent, X.: Moral particularism in the light of deontic logic. Artif. Intell. Law 19(2-3): 75-98 (2011)