- Enable - if enabled it will output whatever you put into boxes below on the checkout success page
- Before Head - outputs anything you put here before the
tag - Before Body - outputs anything you put here before the
You can use order variables within the content sections. Example add {{customer_id}}
in order for it to print out the customer ID on the success page. See the full list of Order Variables available below. You can use a comma and a number in the variable to clean up prices to the provided amount of decimals. Example {{grand_total, 2}}
will output 12.22 instead of 12.2200
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var google_conversion_id = 123456789;
var google_conversion_language = "en";
var google_conversion_format = "2";
var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";
var google_conversion_label = "XXXXXXXXXXX";
var google_conversion_value = {{grand_total,2}};
var google_conversion_currency = "{{order_currency_code}}";
var google_remarketing_only = false;
/* ]]> */
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[base_discount_canceled] =>
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[base_discount_refunded] =>
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[base_shipping_canceled] =>
[base_shipping_invoiced] => 8.9500
[base_shipping_refunded] =>
[base_shipping_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[base_shipping_tax_refunded] =>
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[base_subtotal_canceled] =>
[base_subtotal_invoiced] => 34.9800
[base_subtotal_refunded] =>
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[base_tax_canceled] =>
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[base_tax_refunded] =>
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[base_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
[base_total_canceled] =>
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[base_total_invoiced_cost] => 0.0000
[base_total_offline_refunded] =>
[base_total_online_refunded] =>
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[base_total_qty_ordered] =>
[base_total_refunded] =>
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[discount_canceled] =>
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[discount_refunded] =>
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[shipping_canceled] =>
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[shipping_refunded] =>
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[shipping_tax_refunded] =>
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[store_to_order_rate] => 1.0000
[subtotal] => 34.9800
[subtotal_canceled] =>
[subtotal_invoiced] => 34.9800
[subtotal_refunded] =>
[tax_amount] => 0.0000
[tax_canceled] =>
[tax_invoiced] => 0.0000
[tax_refunded] =>
[total_canceled] =>
[total_invoiced] => 43.9300
[total_offline_refunded] =>
[total_online_refunded] =>
[total_paid] => 43.9300
[total_qty_ordered] => 2.0000
[total_refunded] =>
[can_ship_partially] =>
[can_ship_partially_item] =>
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[payment_authorization_amount] =>
[shipping_discount_amount] => 0.0000
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[customer_dob] =>
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[applied_rule_ids] =>
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[customer_email] => [email protected]
[customer_firstname] => C.K.
[customer_lastname] => tester
[customer_middlename] =>
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[store_name] => SilverTribe.com
Main Website Store
[x_forwarded_for] =>
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[created_at] => 2013-04-20 04:12:53
[updated_at] => 2013-04-23 00:12:49
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[customer_gender] =>
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[base_hidden_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[shipping_hidden_tax_amount] => 0.0000
[base_shipping_hidden_tax_amnt] => 0.0000
[hidden_tax_invoiced] => 0.0000
[base_hidden_tax_invoiced] => 0.0000
[hidden_tax_refunded] =>
[base_hidden_tax_refunded] =>
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[base_shipping_incl_tax] => 8.9500
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[customer_credit_invoiced] =>
[base_customer_credit_invoiced] =>
[customer_credit_refunded] =>
[base_customer_credit_refunded] =>
[payment_authorization_expiration] =>
[forced_do_shipment_with_invoice] =>
[base_shipping_hidden_tax_amount] => 0.0000