DreamOS TMDB plugin which is based on code published in git branch OE1.6
- Shows additional movie/tv show information provided by TMDB.
- Will be invoked thru movie lists (standard, EMC, etc.).
- Supports HD, FHD, and WQHD skin resolutions.
To install the thru plugin execute the following command in a console on your dreambox:
- apt-get install wget (required the first time only)
- wget https://dream-alpha.github.io/tmdb/tmdb.sh -O - | /bin/sh
The installation script will also install a feed source that enables a convenient upgrade to the latest version with the following commands or automatically as part of a DreamOS upgrade:
- apt-get update
- apt-get upgrade
- english
- german
- italian (by Spaeleus)
- russian (by ay4488)
- turkish (by audi06_19)
- Support thread: https://dreambox.de/board/index.php?thread/26606-tmdb-plugin/&pageNo=1
- Package feed: https://gemfury.com/dream-alpha