- Django
- PostgreSQL
- psycopg2
- pybarcode
- pystache
- memcached
- python-memcached
- reportlab
- py-gsx
- products/outgoing
- products/incoming
- notifications
- products/invoices
- calendars/index
- incoming mail
- locations/shelf codes?
- following?
- give error on no GSX results
- logging in as a customer (limiting search results, customers, orders, permissions, etc)
- Request Review/file uploads (GSX)
- modals for GSX submits (so that users don't interrupt the long requests)
- simplify products inventory. Remove product groups and specs - just use recursive tags.
- MRI status?
- request access on login page!
- escalations?
- http://localhost:8000/search/parts/?q=661-5948