Contributors: Teemu Suoranta
Tags: WordPress, media, attachments, wp-cli
License: GPLv2 or later
Download and replace attachments (img and a tags) in WordPress content via WP-CLI. Adds attachments to WordPress Media Library.
- Importing content that has images (that can't be automatically imported via WordPress importer)
Basic (all post types, image size large):
wp aucor-download-and-replace-attachments run
Restrict post type:
wp aucor-download-and-replace-attachments run --post_type=page
Restrict domain to import from:
wp aucor-download-and-replace-attachments run
Restrict file extensions:
wp aucor-download-and-replace-attachments run --extensions=jpg,png
Change target image size:
wp aucor-download-and-replace-attachments run --image_size=large
$ wp aucor-download-and-replace-attachments run
Replacing "" with new attachment #1605 ( on post #512
Replacing "" with new attachment #1606 ( on post #514
Warning: No replacement for attachment "" on post #659
Success: Done: 2 posts modified, 20 posts ignored.
You should backup your database and uploads before running this. This plugin comes with no warranty or promises to not set your website on fire. Thread carefully.
- If img tags already have "wp-image-123" and "size-large" classes, this plugin will just add another ones
- The "size-large" does not take account the real image size, it just outputs whatever was the target image size
- If you are using Polylang / WPML the new attachments are not added to proper language
- Extension detection can't handle multi-part extension (like .tar.gz)
- Optionally save attachments outside of media library like